pt.25 the new girl

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One week later

Lizzie's pov
I got up feeling much better I was still at Joel's house but today I go to school yay I'm soooooo not ready for this but anyway Joel said there was a new girl coming to school I'm praying that she will be nice(boi are you Rong) me and Joel got ready and got on the bus.we saw a girl sitting by herself and she had a pink dress on with long brown hair. Im assuming thats the new and Joel sat down together and weighted for the bus to go off. We got at school and was greeted bye Maddie and Jemma they came up and hugged us.

M: I'm so glad you feel better you were really sick.

L:yeah I know but I feel better now.

Then the new girl came up and gave me a death glare. Great I hope she was looking at someone else. We get into the school and the principal came up and hugged the new girl and said hey sweetheart I'm guessing either the principal likes this girl way to much or it's her daughter.

Time skip to lunch

Lizzie's pov
We sat down with yammy, Stacey, Tiffany, Callum,and oli. As we were eating Riyan,and Abby and the new girl came over but no William that's weird. But we quickly found out we're will was he was behind me and dumped a bowl of soup on my head well that's actually the least harmful thing he's done to me. I just walked over to the bathroom and got the soup off of me. I get back and see the new girl in front of me.

L:um hi what's your name.

New girl:my name is Jen brat.

L:um ok hi Jen

Jen:get out of my way.

After school

Joel's pov
The new girl but as Lizzie said her name is Jen seams to really hate Lizzie  for some reason I hope she's not going to be like this the hole year.

Hello my tacos sorry for this short chapter I'm starting school soon I'm homeschool Soo yeah but comment down below what you think Jen should do to Lizzie and pleas nothing inappropriate Soo yeah and also I've just been reading a bunch of other fan fics so I just got distracted so yeah pleas comment the more you comment the quicker I can get the next chapter out but bye

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