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Tom wasn't joking when he said he wasn't done with you earlier. After wrapping for the day - Harrison had avoided eye contact with both of you for the remainder of the day - you were happy to head back to the apartment that the studio had put Tom up in. 

Walking into the apartment you shimmied out of your jacket, tossing it on the back of a chair. You wandered over to the floor to ceiling windows and looked out at the lights of LA. It was the only time when you actually liked LA. The rest of the time it was a dirty, noisy, smoggy town with too many people.

"Darling" came Tom's voice, low and seductive. You turned around and he held out a glass of wine. You walked over to him, sashaying your hips the way he liked. You took the glass, clinking your glasses together in a silent toast before drinking the pale yellow liquid. You had reapplied your lipstick earlier and your lips left a clear mark on the rim of the glass.

"You know, I do believe that those lips should be leaving marks on something else" Tom said. 

"Is that so?" you replied coyly.


Tom swept you into his arms kissing you fiercely, holding you close against his muscular form. You always forgot to breathe whenever Tom kissed you, leaving you dizzy and out of breath when he finally broke the kiss.

"Come on, let's get cleaned up" Tom said, chuckling at you.

It had been your idea to spice it up in the bedroom. After being in a relationship for two years things can become a little stale. In an effort to avoid that you had suggested exploring the more erotic world of BDSM. More B&D than S&M but, thankfully, Tom was just as into the idea as you were. 

The part you two had come to enjoy the most was discovering each others secret selves through these acts of intimacy. It was important to trust one another completely and to be completely vulnerable with the other. You had agreed on some boundaries. But as you two continued to explore the more often you found yourselves extending them, eager to discover new avenues of pleasure.

You thought you had known all the corners and edges of each other, but to say you were surprised was an understatement when you both discovered that there was much more to be learnt, in the bedroom and out of it. Becoming adventurous in the bedroom had opened hidden doors in your relationship that created new bonds of love, tying you closer to each other.

In the shower you took the time to scrub each other. It was deeply intimate and was integral to building the trust necessary to be as physically intimate and vulnerable as you two had become. 

Once out of the shower you took turns at oiling the other, taking care to work the oil into the skin, working out the knots and tension of the day. You paused for a moment to place you lips on Tom's shoulder blade and he shivered at your touch. 

Tom went to light the candles in the bedroom as you slipped on your thigh high stockings and "Fuck Me" heels - black with a raised platform. You had recently purchased a black French lace robe and you draped it over your body, the sensation of the lace soft and thrilling against your skin. You could feel your heart rate increasing with excitement and your skin was alive, ready for whatever Tom wanted to do.

You stepped out of the bathroom and saw Tom sitting on the end of the bed, candlelight flickering across his perfect form. He smiled and you smiled back, heart fluttering in your chest.

"You look beautiful BabyDoll" he crooned, gesturing for you to walk to him. You did, taking your time to undo the robe so that your bare flesh was ready for him. Tom ate you up with his eyes and when you stopped in front of him he reached out to slowly run his finger tips up your thighs, over your hips, coming to rest on your breasts. Your breath was ragged from his touch, a fire burning within you that only Tom could quell.

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