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"Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas Gran!" Tom said, smiling warmly as he embraced her. Stepping aside, he turned, reaching to take the bag of presents from you.

"I've got it" you murmured, brushing past him to give Granny Tess a hug. "Good to see you Gran"

"You too pet" she replied, placing her hand firmly in the small of your back and propelling you down the hallway. "Come on, the boys are itching to open their presents and you two are late" she scolded.

You glanced pointedly over your shoulder, mouthing "told you so"; Tom nodded sheepishly in reply. You smirked, walking into the living room where everyone waiting.

"Sorry we're late, we had a little sleep in this morning" you said, Tom's blush deepening.

"Who cares, you're here now. Let's do this!" said Paddy, eager to rip into the pile of gifts that sat before him.

You settled on Tom's lap, all the other seats taken. His thumbs pressed firmly into the aching muscles of your lower back and you leaned into his hands, watching as everyone took turns opening their presents.

"Don't we get anything from you two?" asked Harry. All the other presents had been opened, except the gifts from you and Tom.

"No, you do. We just wanted you to open them last" you replied, handing out the presents, "and you have to open them at the same time"

The twins frowned suspiciously at you, and you checked that Tom had his poker face on. No wonder he lost so often.

"What's going on?" Sam asked.

"Just open the present bro" Tom grumbled, hiding his face between your shoulder blades.

They began to unwrap their gifts, more cautious than they had been with any of the other presents that had been opened today. The boys, Nikki and Dom frowned as they unfurled their orange t-shirts, your Dad still trying to unwrap his without tearing the paper, Granny Tess turning over the cup in her hand.

"Oh my God!" she shrieked, startling the others as she nearly dropped her gift. She looked up at you and Tom, face shocked. "Really?!"

"Really what?" Paddy asked as he and the twins examined the Dutch lion emblazoned on the front of their shirts but not the words stitched into the back.

"Really Gran" Tom said, peeking around your shoulder to look at her.

She leapt to her feet, rushing over to wrap the two of you in a fierce hug. "Oh this is wonderful, wonderful news!" she cried into your hair. You gently patted her shoulder, Tom squirming to free his head from where she had pinned him to your back.

Finally the others caught up and soon there was a cacophony of congratulations, you and Tom bombarded with hugs and handshakes. Your Dad gave you a particularly tight hug before releasing you, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles and muttering about needing a cigarette.

"How long have you known?" Nikki asked excitedly, dragging her chair next to you and Tom. Dom and the boys were already pulling on their shirts and you smiled - the orange clashed terribly with Harry and Paddy's hair.

"A while" you replied, smiling shyly, slightly uncomfortable as Nikki and Granny Tess stared at you intently. Your discomfort was made worse when Tom's hands wrapped around you to sit protectively over your stomach and you squirmed slightly.

"How far along?" Granny Tess asked, positively beaming.

"Just over 12 weeks"

"You're not showing yet!" said Nikki.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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