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"I don't want you to go" you mumbled, voice muffled in his neck.

Tom chuckled softly, squeezing you a little bit tighter. "Miss you already, love" he murmured softly.

You hated farewells, but you hated the airport and paparazzi more, so you were saying goodbye to Tom at home, away from prying eyes. There was a car waiting for him out front and his bag sat next to the door. Tessa was in between the two of you, her soft brown eyes gazing up at you reproachfully. The driver honked for the umpteenth time and you reluctantly pulled away from Tom.

"You'd better get going. Don't want to miss your flight"

Tom nodded, sighing. "I really don't want to go"

Your heart ached, and you reprimanded yourself for making it harder for him. You pulled your lips into a fake happy smile, hoping it would make him feel a little less guilty about leaving. "You'll have the best time, like you always do. You'll meet awesome fans, get some cool gifts and fan art. You'll be back before you know it Handsome"

He smiled at you, making the already difficult impossible. It was only forty-eight hours you reminded yourself, but that was a long time to be without him after everything that had been happening lately.

"Love you BabyDoll"

"Love you more Daddy"

Tom knelt down and scratched Tessa's ears, muttering something to her along the lines of "take good care of her while I'm gone". You smiled; your lovable, noble, idiot dork.

"Come on Handsome, drivers waiting" you said, nudging him with your foot. He stood and gave you a brief but passionate kiss before he picked up his bag and leaving, the door closing quietly behind him. You turned to Tessa, who looked at you morosely, her expression clear -  "And he's gone. Again". 

You stood by the front door, unsure what to do now. You were always at a bit of a loss whenever Tom went away. As you mulled over what to do, Tessa sighed dramatically, lying down and looking forlornly at the door. Your heart twinged again. She missed him worse than you did whenever he left, knowing he would come back eventually but never really understanding why he left in the first place. You knelt down and scratched her behind her ear.

"He'll be back girl. Come on, let's go see Nan and Pop"


"Okay, I'm coming out" you called, picking up the skirt of the dress.

"Ready!" replied Nikki and Dot. They had been tittering since shop number 3, and you made a mental note to stop them from chugging anymore of the free champagne offered by the staff.

You stepped out of the change room and walked over to where they sat, standing on the small pedestal and looking at yourself in the mirror. You could see Nikki and Dot's faces in the mirror, bright with excitement, their eyes practically love hearts. Unfortunately, you weren't sharing their excitement.

"Oh Y/N" Dot sighed.

"You look amazing!" Nikki declared.

"Thanks" you muttered, turning to look at yourself from the side. It was a simple dress; A-line cut with a sweetheart neckline and decent train. It was pretty. But you felt overwhelmed and a little claustrophobic.

"You don't love it" Dot said matter-of-factly, quickly picking up on your flagging mood.

"Mm" you replied.

"What don't you like dear?"

"I don't know. It just feels...I don't know"

"That's okay! If it's not right don't get it! Try another one"

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