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The club was loud and cramped. You had to fight your way to the bar, holding tightly onto Dot's hand, lest she get lost in the undulating crowd. You finally reached the bar and yelled your order at the bartender.

"Fuck it's hot in here" you shouted to Dot, leaning over to speak into her ear. She nodded emphatically, glancing around nervously. "What's up?"

"I thought I saw someone I know..."

"And that's a bad thing because..."

"It looked like Jack, Y/N"

You felt a chill settle over you, despite the sweat that was pooling between your breasts. You're okay. There's plenty of people here and the likelihood of it being Jack is low. "Heaps of guys look like Jack. Besides, the light in here is crap. Come on, let's have a drink, have a dance and have fun!".

Dot nodded, still glancing over her shoulder. It was setting your teeth on edge and you threw back your drink quickly, ordering and downing another one to settle your nerves.

"Come on, I want to dance!" you shouted, taking her hand and dragging her onto the dancefloor. You had no idea what this music was, but at least it had a beat that you could move to.

You began to dance with Dot, watching her relax a little and find her rhythm as the two of you moved on the tight dancefloor. You closed your eyes for a moment, letting yourself get lost in the moment. You hadn't realised how much you needed this, to be carefree for a little while and do something young and fun. You hardly paid any attention to the other people on the dancefloor, despite the fact that your dance moves were severely inhibited by the lack of space. You smiled at Dot, who smiled back at you, finally looking like she was having a good time, and you thought that the only thing that could make this moment better was if Tom was here with you.

You and Tom hadn't done a lot of clubbing together, but whenever you did it ended up in steamy cab rides, with the both of you unable to keep your hands off the other. You wished he was here, wished you could feel his hands on you as you danced, your bodies moving in sync as his lips trailed along your exposed collarbones...just thinking about him made your whole body ache.

As you thought of Tom, you felt a foreign pair of hands on your hips. You pushed them away, annoyed with their owner. The hands continued to grab at you and you felt someones hot breath on the back of your neck. You turned to shove them away and came face to face with Jack.

Panic consumed you and you stumbled backwards, desperately trying to get away from him. You bumped into someone and turned, hoping to see Dot. You instead found yourself grabbing a complete stranger, their face scrunched up in confusion.

"Sorry!" you shouted, shoving past them.

As you glanced behind you, you saw Jack following you, his eyes fixed on you as you fought your way through the crowd. You swore under your breath as your heart jammed in your chest, vision tunnelling.

Where the hell was Dot?! I turn around for a second and she disappears!

You felt a hand close around yours as you fought your way to the exit and you whirled, free hand raised to defend yourself against Jack. But it wasn't Jack.

"TUWAINE!" you shrieked, throwing yourself at him and clinging to him. You felt his large arms hug you back.

"You okay?" he shouted in your ear.

"No! Get me out of here, please!" you yelled, eyes wide as you glanced around to see if Jack was nearby.

Tuwaine didn't need to be told twice, taking your hand and leading you out of the club. Soon you were outside gasping cool night air into your lungs, your heart thudding heavily in your chest. You leant against the cold brick wall, your skin prickling.

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