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You tossed the remaining champagne from your glass over the balcony and let the breeze blow your hair off your sweaty neck. Tonight had been one disaster after another and you wanted nothing more than to disappear into the night like a phantom. Drinking your feelings seemed a good idea at the time, but now you felt disoriented, clumsy and emotional.


You hung your head momentarily before turning. Tom stood in the doorway, puppy dog eyes in full effect.

"You okay?" he asked, voice laden with concern.

"No...it's...nothing, I'm fine. Just needed some air" you replied, doing your best to be light and breezy. You hated Tom seeing you like this.

"Darling, why don't you just tell me? Please?". Tom walked over to stand beside you as you leaned against the railing.

You chewed your lower lip. You were never shy about telling Tom your feelings. But for some reason talking about this always made you feel two inches tall. You stared at your feet trying to gather your thoughts when he gave an exasperated sigh.

"Y/N, please tell me? I'm just about losing my mind here"

"Sorry. I just...I just didn't think this evening would be as difficult for me as it is. It's not that I'm still hung up on Jack, it's just that I...can't believe Lou's gonna marry him" you finished lamely.

Saying the words out loud was strange. Your baby sister was marrying your nightmare of an ex-boyfriend. What a mind-fuck. When she'd called to tell you the news you hadn't known what to say. You didn't even know they were dating. After stumbling blindly through the call with your sister you had called your Mum to ask what the hell was going on. Your Mum's lame response had been "Lou didn't want to upset you Pet". You had blown up, shouting "Oh but her marrying him wouldn't upset me at all!?"

It had taken Tom two hours and a bottle of wine to calm you down, and even then you'd remained tight lipped about the situation. Why you weren't sure, but you told yourself it was because you hadn't wanted to burden Tom with your emotional baggage.

And now here you were at their engagement party, gritting your teeth through the evening as all the Aunties, Uncles, cousins and other nosy fucks kept asking "When are you going to get married Y/N?" or "Aren't you just so happy for Lou? They're such a beautiful couple!" 

Tom sighed and pulled you into him. You buried your head in his chest, taking comfort from the steady rhythm of his heart. He was your anchor in the tumultuous sea of your emotions.

"He didn't deserve you and he doesn't deserve her. But you've got to let her live her own life Y/N"

You sighed, breathing in his cologne. It was intoxicating, making him even more irresistible than usual and you had gleefully taken pleasure in the looks everyone had given you two when you arrived. You knew that you both looked fucking good and it was the best middle finger you could've given Jack. You just wished Lou had looked happier to see you.

"How would you feel if one of your brothers hooked up with a lunatic ex?" you mumbled sulkily into his chest.

Tom chuckled. "Well fortunately I don't have any lunatic ex's to worry about. And my brother's can take care of themselves".

You lifted your head to look up at Tom. The moonlight highlighted the planes of his cheekbones and the sharpness of his jawline. A few curls had fallen across his brow and you could just make out his lips. You snaked your hands up behind his neck and pulled him down to meet your lips, wanting to taste him.

Lips crashed together and your fingers tangled in his hair, his strong hands holding you close to him. The familiar fire within you sparked and you moaned a little, wanting more than just his lips and hands on you. You weren't the only one as you felt Tom's member harden against your hip.

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