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"Hmm?" you mumbled groggily. Your eyes were glued shut and you moved to rub the sleep out of them. Your hands jerked and remained where they were. "What the -?" you muttered forcing your eyes open.

Tom stood at the end of the bed wearing only a smug grin. You looked at your wrists to discover that he had handcuffed you to the bed. Looking down you found your legs splayed apart and tied to the ends of the bed with rope. You gave a little tug on your ankles, testing the knots. Apparently Tom had been practising as the knots were taut and unyielding. The cuffs were done up too tightly for your hands to slip through so you lay there wondering what exactly Tom was planning.

"Good Morning BabyDoll" he crooned, watching you test your restraints. "How do you feel?" his voice was silky and smooth.

You thought for a moment. "Curious" you replied coyly. You were highly aroused, your core already aching a little.

"Good girl" Tom said, walking from the end of the bed to sit beside you. You wished you could reach out and touch him, bite the tender flesh of his neck, but your restraints held you in place.

Tom leaned over and kissed you, soft and sweet. You tried to mould yourself to him but all you could move was your hips. Even then your leverage was affected by the binds around your ankles. You let your hips fall back down on the bed with a huff, making Tom chuckle.

"All in good time" he taunted, shifting his position next to you. He leant over and began to kiss and bite the flesh of your neck, slowly moving along your collarbones and finally down to your chest, which was heaving with excitement. Tom began to swirl his tongue around your nipples, pausing to occasionally suck and nibble at them, causing you to writhe and groan. His hands roamed freely across your body, taunting you even further with feather light brushes past your core. The ache within mounted and you wished he would touch your sweet spot with those deft fingers of his.

"Mmm...oh Daddy, please...please don't tease me" you moaned. "I want you *gasp* oh please!"

Tom lifted his head, curls flopping across his brow, cheeky grin lighting up his face. "Since you asked so nicely BabyDoll" he said, moving to sit between your spread legs. You bit your lip as you watched him move, lithe and graceful, member hard and springing to attention as he rested on his feet.

"Now BabyDoll, are you going to be a good girl?" he asked. Your core ached for his touch and you nodded eagerly. "Are you going to do what Daddy tells you to do?". Were you able to, you would have clenched your legs together in response. As it was, your eyes rolled back in your head and you arched your chest off the bed slightly. Tom chuckled at your response. "Good girl" he murmured.

He began to slowly trail his fingers along your inner thighs, flesh breaking out into goosebumps. You whimpered a little as he purposely teased you, going so close to your aching folds before moving his fingers away. You pouted and he chuckled at you.

"All good things to those who wait" he teased.

You continued to pout, hoping it would work in your favour. It didn't as Tom continued to tease you with his nimble fingers. He leaned over to trail them up your abdomen to tease your nipples and his member poked at your entrance. You wanted to wrap your legs around his waist and slipped him inside your walls. But your restraints held and you whimpered as his tip rested just out of reach of your tender opening.

Tom moved back between your legs and made himself comfortable with his face right at your core. He blew hot breath against your entrance and you gasped, body shuddering. He shifted again so that his hands were resting lightly against your breasts, your nipples grazing his palms with every breath. Painfully slowly he began to kiss his way to your core, lips leaving burning imprints on your skin. Finally he pressed his lips against your folds and you sighed with relief.

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