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"Hey babe, how you feeling?"

Tom's voice sounded distant but it was just the effects of the anaesthetic. You squinted to look at him, fluorescent lights bright, and groaned a little. Lifting your hand, you tried to pull the oxygen mask off your face.

"No, no, don't touch it" he scolded, warm hands taking yours and bringing them to his lips.

"S'time?" you asked groggily, voice muffled by the mask. It hurt a little to breathe, the cold air of the mask drying out your mouth and throat; it felt like when you were getting a cold.

"It's 5:30, you were under for three hours" Tom replied. His hair looked a little dishevelled and he smelt like old coffee. Somehow he looked his usual devastatingly handsome self.

You rolled onto your side and clasped his hands to your chest. His thumbs traced circles on your hands as your eyelids began to droop and it was at that moment that a nurse came bursting in, jolting you awake.

"How are we? Any signs of life?". Her voice was loud and jarring, and you gave her a look which only made her chuckle. "How about we make you more comfortable?" she said, moving to remove your mask. You nodded and breathed a sigh of relief as she pulled it off your face.

You winced as she removed the IV line from your hand; you hated needles and felt the familiar roar of your heart pounding in your ears, your vision spotting, body threatening to embarrass you by fainting. Fortunately you were lying down so you focused on breathing deeply until the roar dissipated to a dull rush that you could mostly ignore.

The nurse had started to gently prod your face and despite the numbness of your cheeks you could tell they were really swollen. "Right, now when the doctor discharges you it's straight to bed for rest and recovery." Your mind wandered to all the things you could do in the bedroom and you missed the rest of her instructions. "Y/N, did you hear what I said?" she asked, hands on her hips.

"Mhmm" you mumbled shyly, hiding your face in the pillow.

"I've got it all, thank you" Tom said. You peeked up at him and he gave you a cheeky wink.

"Don't forget she's got stitches in her mouth, so no funny business" said the nurse and Tom's cheeks went bright pink. You once again buried your face in the pillow to hide your smile, which felt weird with a numb mouth.

"Yep, no we, uh, we won't do...that" Tom finished lamely, floundering under the nurse's stern gaze. She humphed and left the room. Tom gave a long sigh and shook his head, looking at you ruefully. "You're the one with the dirty mind but I'm the one that gets in trouble" he grumbled.

You shifted and moved to sit up but the anaesthesia remaining in your system made the world spin and you fell back onto the pillows, groaning. Tom chuckled at you and brushed your hair out of your face. Slowly the room righted itself, the swirling and tilting settling along with your churning gut.

"It'll pass, it's because you've just woken up" Tom murmured reassuringly, leaning over to kiss your swollen cheeks. "You look pretty cute right now. Like a squirrel or chipmunk"

You humphed and made to sit up again, slower this time. The room didn't spin as much and you looked down at your hospital gown. You had taken your bra off before going under and the room was cold. Your nipples poked through the flimsy material and you looked up at Tom and winked.

"The nurse just told you no funny business Y/N" Tom chided, but his eyes kept darting back to your nipples.

"Oh come on" you sulked. Your tongue felt too big for your mouth and you didn't sound as sexy as you wanted to.

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