Her: 2

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Finally we were done. I had finished my worksheet, but Tae had taken forever to finish his. We checked the time and we still had about five minutes.

"Let's leave early!"

Taehyung looked at me like an innocent puppy. He was so eager to leave school.

"You can go. I think I'll stay."

Before I could say anymore, Tae grabbed my hand and dragged my out of the classroom. When we got outside, I saw another guy from my class.

"Hey shortie!" Tae screamed.

The blond guy wasn't exactly short, but maybe it was an inside joke or something. The blondie kicked Tae and tackled him to the ground.

"Yah! Yah! YAH! I'm sorry!"

Tae was laughing as his friend helped him up. I watched them as I slowly backed away. I noticed Tae's eyes on me, but didn't look his way.

"This is y/n. Y/n, this is Park Jimin. My best friend."

I bowed to him and he gave me an eye smile.

"She's gonna hang out with us. That's ok right?"

"I don't mind"

Jimin looked at me and offered his hand. I was hesitant, but shook it after.

"Any friend of Tae's is a friend of mine!"

He turned to Tae before continuing.

"C'mon! Kookie's waiting for us!"

Tae and Jimin looked at me and once I started walking, they smiled before running. I don't know what came over me, but I began running as well. I started laughing. Like a real laugh. Not a forced laugh or a laugh that's sole purpose was to be part of a group. They called me their friend. I didn't ask to be friends and they accepted me.

When we stopped, Tae looked at me and smiled.

"Wasn't that fun!"

Jimin laughed an eye smile before tripping and falling over nothing.

"Wow. Why are you so clumsy Mochi!"

"I can't see when laughing!"

Jimin protested while giggling nonstop. I helped him up because why not. He gladly took my hand. I looked at where we stopped and noticed that we were in front of an arcade. I was intrigued.

"So are we going in?"

They both grabbed my hands before running inside. It was a gamer's world. They both took out cards that I expected to be passes to the arcade.

"One extra on this one please."

Tae gave his card. I tried to stop him so I could pay on my own, but Jimin held me back.

"Let him. It's fine!"

We then went to the back where there were car racing games.

"Hey Kookie! We have a fourth player!"

A guy with shiny brown hair, poked his head out from behind a game. I expected him to be "Kookie."

"Finally! All the hyungs are so boring."

The two boys laughed before leading me over to the game machine.

"I don't know how to drive and have never exactly been good at car games. I hope that's ok," I told them.

They nodded, but then sat me next to Jimin. Tae headed to the other side and sat next to Kookie.

"Jimin's the best at car games so you'd be better with him."

Tae said. He was hidden behind the machine, but his voice was clear. I looked at the screen and it flashed.

Ready. Set. Go!

I gripped the wheel and pushed the accelerator. I didn't know how to control the car so I started slow. I looked towards Jimin who had his eyebrows knit. He was focusing so hard that it made me chuckle. I looked back at my screen before I was plunged into the water. I heard the boys laughing and turned red. That's it. I was gonna show them. I hit the accelerator so hard I went past Tae, who was in third. In no time I overtook the other two and made it to first. I heard Jimin cheer and Tae and Kookie groan as I crossed the finish line.

"Wow you're pretty good!"

Jimin gave me a high five as we waited for the next game. We played a few more rounds before moving on. We tried many games before heading out to eat.

While walking out I found myself next to Kookie.

"So. You're Kookie?"

It was different, but I liked it.

"Uh yeah. That's what they call me. My name's Jeon Jungkook."

"And I'm y/n. I don't think I introduced myself."

He gave me a smile before we caught up to the other two. I caught Tae looking at me and I silently thanked him. I felt my phone buzz from a text message and looked at it. It was Nami. She wanted help on the science homework. I rolled my eyes, but then saw the time.

"Shoot! Sorry guys! It's getting late and I forgot to tell my parents I'd be out today. Maybe we can hang out some other time?"

I didn't know if they'd be ok with it. The boys seemed pretty tight and I didn't want to butt in too much.

"Yeah! That'd be great!" Tae grabbed my hands and gave me a boxy smile.

He released my hands and waved as I walked to the closest bus stop. I waved to them until I couldn't see them anymore. I then, opened my phone and called Nami.

"Hey Nami. What's up?"

"Um I don't understand the science homework and was wondering what you got."

"Sorry, but I'm not home right now. Try asking the other girls."

"I did. They don't get it either."

"Ok then, I'll call you when I get home."

The bus came just as I ended the call. I got on and sat in the back. I dialed Min Jae's number and waited for her to pick up. I was left with voice mail.

"Hey Min Jae. I was wondering if Nami called you. I'm out right now and she needed help on something that's all. Thanks!"

I ended the voicemail and called Ji Kwon. Luckily she picked up.

"Hey y/n. What's up?"

"Oh I was just wondering if Nami called you."

"No. She texted me asking if I understood science. I helped her out as much as I could, but I don't understand it either. Did you understand?"

"No not really. Well I'm outside right now so I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah ok. Bye! See you tomorrow."

I ended the call and watched the street light and cars pass by. Each faster than the last. Nami texted everyone, but called me. Or maybe she called Ki Yong. My mind was so heated I couldn't think. When I finally reached my bus stop, I got off and walked towards my home. My face was hot and I felt conflicted. Without even realizing, tears hit the pavement. I couldn't walk home like this. I texted my parents telling them I was coming home from Min Jae's. They sent a thumbs up. I went to the park behind my house and sat on the swings. There, I bawled my eyes out. I was exhausted. I was tired. I was done with my friends. After how they acted in school, they talked to me like nothing was wrong. And I asked Nami for help and she didn't help me. And now she's asking me for help! I cried for a while until I heard a voice.

"Hey, you ok?"

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