Tear: 1

17 6 2

Things were going well. Weekends were spent at the dorms, where Jimin, Tae, and I got help from college graduate, Jin. Yoongi visited often, along with Hoseok. Jungkook was doing well in studies, but went to cram school every now and then. I still had my study group, but felt like we were getting distant.

It had been a month, and the summer heat was slowly coming back.

"I seriously wish it could stay spring forever!"

I laughed as Kookie rolled on the floor whining. He shined a bunny toothed smile at me before continuing his whining.

"Jungkook! If you don't shut up, you're not getting cookies!"

"Eomma! No!"

"No ice cream either!"

"Jin hyung! Don't be mean!"

I couldn't contain myself and fell on the floor laughing. They were too cute. Jimin and Tae decided to go shopping and told Kookie to entertain me. We played cards for a bit, but then he got too lazy. Just then Namjoon came out of his room wearing nothing but boxers.


Jin scolded before whipping me around. He hugged me so my face was buried in his chest.

"I come into the room just to see you like this? Wear something! We have a girl in the house!"

"It's fine Jin. I've seen him in a worse scenario before," I added, reminding myself of the first time I came over.

Namjoon mumbles a quick sorry and trudged back into his room. He came out again with shorts and a t-shirt.



Jungkook sat up and looked at both of them like he was watching a tenis game. He gave up and plopped back down on the ground with a moan.

"It's too hot!"

"Cut it out Kook!" Namjoon and Jin screamed at the same time.

I doubled over for the third time, clutching my stomach as I giggled uncontrollably. Suddenly the doorbell rang. I ran and opened it to see Tae and Jimin. Jimin looked guilty while Tae looked—sad.

"Hey, could you help me y/n? Tae refuses to help."

I nodded and started taking bags from him and leaving them in the kitchen with Eomma Jin. I watched as Tae walked to the corner of the room and sat down. He looked up at the sealing as if he'd lost everything.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked Jimin.

"I teased him too much."

Just then Tae walked over and back-hugged me.

"Stay with me. Jimin is stupid. He's mean."

I laughed before patting his head, which rested on my shoulder. Jin, then clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

"Ok, so we're planning on going to the beach again right?"

I looked at them confused.


"Oh yeah. You never came, but we always go to this beach. It's like a yearly thing and it's next week. Wanna come?"

I remembered my parents saying that next week, we may be going out somewhere.

"Sorry, I don't think I can."

Kookie hugged me and whispered his sorries. Guess he really wanted me to come.

"Hobi's not going either, right?"

I looked to Tae who shrugged.

"He's free next week, but decided to skip this time. He has his reasons."

"Oh ok. I'll see if I can hang out with him or something."

"Yeah! I can talk to him for you!" Namjoon added.

For the rest of the time I was there, Tae and I finished our homework, using Jimin's as a reference, while the others talked about the trip. I guess it's really fun. It seemed interesting, but there was no way I could go. It was just too late of a notice.

Once I finished my work, I got my stuff and went to the door. I turned around to say bye.

"Thanks again!"

"Yeah. Sure thing. Oh and guys remember—"

I walked out silently. I guess they were really excited. Couldn't blame them. I sighed inwardly before making my way back home.

When I entered the house the first voice I heard was my mom's.

"Y/n-ah! Do the dishes will you?"

"Mom! I literally just came back!"

"At least do them before you sleep! Please?"


I trudged up to my room and dropped my bag on my bed before making my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and slipped on shorts and a t-shirt. I walked downstairs and looked towards the kitchen. My mom was making dinner and didn't notice me there. I tiptoed towards the door and slipped out, making my way to the park.

I reached in a few minutes and sat on one of the swings. Forward. Backward. Up. Down. I kept swinging and at some point felt my eyes grow heavy. I yawned, but then stifled it as I heard a voice.

"Not a morning person huh?"


"Call me Suga. I'm fine with that."

"I'd rather Yoongi. The other call you Suga hyung right?"

"Yeah. So anyway. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I finished studying over with the guys and went home. My mom asked me to do the dishes and I didn't feel like it so I decided to come here."

"Mind if I join you?"

"It's not my park. I don't care."

Yoongi chuckled before seating himself on the swing.

"By the way, I like your hair," he complimented.

"And I hate yours..."

"What? Why! Does it look that bad?"

I laughed.

"No. I'm kidding. You look good. Great actually."

He slapped my shoulder and pouted.

"Stop teasing! And I thought you were heart broken or something."

"Nah. After meeting you guys I'm a lot happier."

"So anything new?"

"Well I learnt about the trip next Saturday."

"Really! You coming?"

"No sorry. I can't. My parents made some plans."

"Yeah. I guess it was too last's minute. We should've told you earlier."

"It's fine though. I was thinking of hanging out with Hoseok."

"Oh, you mean Hobi? Yeah. He's like that, but you see, he can't come because he's a dance teacher so I don't know how much time he'll have. His life revolves around dance you know."


I knew that how I felt showed on my face. I could tell that he sensed it too, but he was kind enough to stay quiet.

"Well, I'll see if my other friends want to hang out. And if worse comes to worst, I'll just stay home."

I saw Suga's expression. I saw the pity painted across his pale face. He couldn't help it and neither could I. We somehow knew exactly what he other was trying to say or get across.

"Well, I'll be heading back now. It was nice talking to you!"

"Yeah. Me too. Oh wait y/n!"

I whipped around to see his outstretched hand snake back to his side.

"Could I get your number? I know you have the maknaes' but you don't have any of ours right?"

"Yeah sure thing."

We exchanged numbers before I made my way back home.

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