Tear: 2

15 6 3

You'd expect to come home to warm hugs and kisses. What you wouldn't expect is for your mom to scream bloody murder. Well in my case, that's exactly what she did.

"Y/N! Where have you been! I ask you to do the dishes and instead I see you go up to your room. Next thing you know, I'm calling your name and you come sauntering through the front door! What is wrong with you! Can't you be a bit more responsible?"

"Sorry mom. I'll try harder next time."

"There's no next time y/n! You need to step it up now. I go talk to your friends' parents and they tell me all these great things about their children and I'm sitting there saying, 'Yeah. My child likes to write.' Why don't you have a hobby besides writing? You don't even share your writing! Or be like your friends and bring up your grades!"

"Right. Yeah I'll work harder-"

I was about to say 'next time' but that would simply start another string of tangents. Of course my mom didn't stop there either.

"Y/n. Listen to me. You're a wonderful girl, but you're growing up so please show it."

"Ok mom. I'm really sorry. I promise it won't happen again."

I walked upstairs quickly, but slow enough that it didn't look like I was running away. I picked up my phone and texted my friend. Hopefully they'd listen.

Hey, Min Jae
Can I call u?
I need to talk to someone

Min Jae
One sec tho

I waited for 5 minutes.

10 minutes.

20 minutes.

40 minutes.

Min Jae?

Min Jae
Oh sorry, I actually can't rn
Something came up

Convenient, I thought to myself.

I decided to try my luck with Nami. I called her instead.

Ring ring

"Sorry, but I'm not available right now. Please leave a message aft-"

I threw my head into a pillow and screamed. I grabbed my hair and pulled it painfully knotting it. Just then my phone lit up. I grabbed it and stared at the screen.

Hey y/n.
Just wanted to apologize at the fact that you can't make it next Saturday.
I really did want you to come.

No it's alright
It's not your fault so pls don't blame urself

You're so nice!
I promise I'll make it up to u!

I'll be looking forward to that, Jungkook

I stared at the screen for a bit. I was hesitant, but I needed to ask. I just needed to. My hands moved on their own.

Can I call u?

Before I could react, my phone started vibrating and I stared at the caller ID. He called me. He actually called me back right away.

I picked up like my life depended on it.


"Y/n? What's up? You ok? You sound down."

"Yeah. I had a question for you."

"What's up?"

"What should I do?"

I broke. I started sobbing. I could hear Jungkook's breathing on the other side, pick up, but he didn't say anything. After a while I started to hiccup and was heaving sobs.


His voice was gentle and soothing. It felt calming and helped me slow down my breathing even if it was only by a little.

"Sorry Jungkook."

"Don't be. What's wrong?"

"I feel lost. I honestly feel like I've lost my way. I'm blind and can't see anything. I feel like my life has been a series of lies over and over again and I'm finally seeing the ugly side of the world."

"Ok. Hold on. What happened?"

"I'm such a bad child. I can't even be responsible enough to help my mom or dad and my friends don't give two shits about me. I literally asked to talk to one of them and she said that she was busy! The other left me on voicemail!"

"Geez. That's harsh."

"Sorry. What were you doing before I called?"

"Well I was doing some homework for cram school, but you called me Jungkook so I thought something was wrong."

"Seriously? How'd you even know?"

"What?! Hyungs do that too! They call me Kook, Kookie, and Taehyung hyung will call me bunny every now and then. But when they're mad, they call me Jungkook. I remember one time I called Jimin hyung short and he screamed at me! He was like, 'JEON JUNGKOOK!' Funniest time ever, but other than that, yeah, I can tell when someone's upset. That's one good thing about being the maknae."

I just laughed. I didn't talk much. I cried, but didn't exactly talk to him. Instead he gave me the comfort I wanted by simply being there on the other side of the phone. I was deeply grateful for that. I felt my face grow warm and moved my hand towards it. Tears slowly fell from my eyes. I pulled my phone away from my ear, and stared at the screen. It grew blurrier and blurrier by the second. I put my phone back to my ear.

"J-Jeon J-Jungkook."

"Y/n? You ok? Are you crying again?"

"I-I don't deserve a-any of you. Stop being so damn nice!"

"Anything for my friend!"

I could've sworn he winked.

"Jeon Jungkook I swear you're a snake!"

"I hate snakeu!"


"No. I was mocking Hobi."

"Oh," I laughed.

"Alright, well cram school homework awaits my poor soul, so I'll see you at school on Monday?"

"Um. If it's alright with you. I already finished my homework along with Tae and Jimin so could we hang out? Maybe for lunch? Or even better, just go window shopping or something?"

"Yeah. I'll probably be done with my homework so we could go hang out at the mall. But if you don't mind me asking, why the mall? And with three boys at that?"

"Well my friends always go and I really want to go with them. They never invited me though."

"Then what are we waiting for? Tomorrow, after lunch, three o'clock. We'll come pick you up ok?"

"Are Tae and Jimin ok with it?"

"Sorry, but they've been next to me the entire time we talked."

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