Tear: 5

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Taehyung and Jimin had planned to stay for a bit before leaving, but when we reached my place, they said they needed to leave because something came up. It was pretty late anyway so I told them to go back to their dorm.

When I opened the door I was greeted with silence. I looked at my phone, which I realized had been ringing for a while, and picked up.

"Hey y/n. Sorry, but I had to step out for a bit. I don't think I'll be back by dinner. It's ready and at the table though, so help yourself!"

"Ok mom. Well I'll see you tonight...?"

She cut the call before answering. Oh well. Might as well eat the spring rolls. I heated them up a bit before eating them. They came with some sauce which had a sweet and tangy flavor. But for some reason, it tasted bitter. After I finished I went upstairs and pulled out my phone. Plugging it into a charger, I texted the maknaes.

Thanks so much for taking me out today! Next time it's my turn and I'll make sure Kookie comes!

Don't thank us!
Srsly we're friends
U don't need to thank us at all!

Ya! What he said!

I'm so so sorry y/n!

Yah! You've apologized already!

I'm good
I'm done

Wat do u mean by ur done?!

I'm tired

Gn Kook
Gn Tae
Gn Chimmy


G O O D N I G H T!!!!

Ur so extra

I put the phone away before falling asleep. And yes. I did end up eating spring rolls for dinner.

The next day I got ready and went to school hoping that I'd understand why my friends wouldn't tell me they made plans. Of course it's none of my business, but it still hurt.

The trip to school was anything but eventful. I went to my locker and pulled out the things I needed before going to class. When I walked into the classroom, the first thing I saw was my friends huddled in the corner giggling. Ki Yong with them. I made eye contact with Ji Kwon who glanced back at the group worried. Ki Yong shot up out of her seat and glared at me before going to the "popular" kids on the other side of the room.

"What was Ki Yong doing with you guys?" I asked Min Jae.

"Just asking a quick question."

She didn't say anything more than that. I decided to ask.

"So what did you guys do this weekend?"

Nami looked nervous, but Ji Kwon answered for her.

"Nothing much. I ended up doing my homework and hung out with my family."

The other girls nodded.

"Well I thought we could've met up."

"Sorry y/n-ah. Maybe next time. Besides, last time we asked you were busy."

I wanted to answer. Tell her that I'm not always busy. That they could've at least asked, but my thoughts were interrupted by the bell. Ms. Song walked in letting everyone know class was about to start. She rambled on about numbers and variables, but I was too distracted to understand anything. Once again, I was sitting behind them while they talked amongst themselves. There was a new girl in front of Ji Kwon while she was talking to Min Jae and chatting with Nami. I looked at them depressed. A bright light caught my attention and I faced it faster than a cat. I looked to see Taehyung—Taehyung! I forgot that he and Jimin were in the same class as me. I looked beside him where Jimin sat. He put his phone down, which he had somehow used to reflect the light into my eyes, and pulled up the corners of his mouth with his fingers, signaling to smile. I gave him a weak smile before letting it fall again. I was too tired. Too exhausted to function properly. Tae gave me a look of disappointment. Of course he was disappointed. I ditched them yesterday because of my selfishness and I'm giving them a hard time again.

The bell rang to signal the end of class. I packed my bag and rushed to the next class. This happened all the way till lunch.

By the time lunch rolled around, I was exhausted of playing this never ending game of keep-away. I ran out to the back of the building and hid with my lunch bag. Silently, I began eating my salad hoping that Tae or Jimin wouldn't catch up to me. Luckily they didn't, but I was met with a surprise.


Jungkook skipped over to me. He sat down with a wrapped sandwich.

"What're you doing here? Hyungs are looking for you!"

"Oh. Um. We're playing a game."


Jungkook looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Y/nnnnn!" He whined, "Don't do this! What happened? They're worried!"

I sighed before getting up.

"It's hard to explain. I'd rather not say anything. It'll only be for a bit. I'll come back after that. I just need some time alone..."

What she wasn't telling him was that her heart was wrenching inside and if it was possible, she would be sobbing. Fortunately she was too numb to feel anything. Her so called friends have officially left her out. She promised not to care. She promised to use them like they had her. But she couldn't do that.

"Y/n. It's ok. We're here for you."

Jungkook wiped away a single tear that had fallen unnoticed.

"Thanks, but I'm ok now."

Before I could react, two of my classmates came running.

"Y/n! Bunny!"

Bunny? Who's that? I looked over to Jungkook who seemed genuinely pissed off. I looked up to see Jimin and Taehyung running over, worry painted across their faces.

"Y/n! What happened! Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Tae."

Taehyung pulled me up and pulled me into his arms. He hugged me for the longest time ever. I tried to get out, but he refused to let go.

"Y/n. Just listen to me. Stay like that. Don't move. Don't push me away again. I told you we'd be here for you. I promised that I would be here for you. You may not believe me, but I am here for you."

Jimin spoke up.

"Y/n. We all are here for you."

"That's right. The hyungs and I really love having you around. Especially when you come to the dorm."

I tried to look up at Taehyung.

"No. Don't look up. Just listen. Focus on my voice. We love you so much. I love you so much! More than you think! I don't know what happened with your so called friends, but why should you care? Care about us. We'll worry about you back."

Taehyung finally pulled away. He slid his large hands under my ears and wiped my tears with his thumbs. I was silently sobbing while looking up at him. His eyes were red, but the small rays of sunshine made his hair glow a dark brown. The hue around him was so beautiful it made me smile.

"Thanks guys. I'll try to keep that in mind."

The bell rang startling the four of us. We all laughed in unison before going to our classes, and this time, we spent most of the time fooling around and making jokes. I hoped it'd get better, but I kept telling myself that I was imposing on them. I felt a bit out of place although I felt loved. Let's just say I was having extremely mixed emotions at the moment.

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