Mira's alone

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Mira's pov
My parents dead years ago when I was 15, know I'm 18, I joined the first older (I think you spell it like that) I'm just a kid my father was a Jedi knight and he was teaching me before he died with my mother besides him, know I'm a Stormtrooper, I miss my parents so much sometimes I wish I died with them.

On a mission.
We where with Kylo Ren (I think you say the last name that) there was something too him I remember about him, I can't think straight right I have to Focus on the mission. I was by myself with my helmet off and crying thinking about them, this planet is my father's home planet Lothal and I was born on Lothal but my parents both died on Mandorlarier, I heard one of the troopers in my squad say, Mira are you going okay? Yes I am said Mira as she put her helmet on and continued too walk with her squad leader. Then we heard gunshots, troopers with me!!! Said the squad leader as we followed him.

Mira's pov
I was shooting at some of the rebels we find but I saw a lightsaber it looks like my Father's lightsaber! Then I saw a old armour that's made out with Mandorlarian armour, it can't be said Mira to herself, as John heard her say that, stop Mira as John grabbed her, what why? Said Mira, because there's a Jedi and Mandorlarian said John and said we have too kill them. We where still shooting at them but I decided too use my training on the Jedi hand to hand combat, but this Jedi just had a helmet on but I started to remember his fight Patran, it was my father's!!!
But I kicked him in the face and his helmet did feel off and he looked at me, Daddy? Said Mira, then the Mandorlarian attack me but I kick off her helmet off to and I feel on the ground and looked closer too see the person, Mommy said Mira, but My mother kicked my in my face but my helmet was on, I got up and said STOP! ITS ME! Your daughter Mira, as they just stop and looked at me, I took off my helmet off to show them my blue hair and one Brown eye and one blue one too. They both looked at me and said, Mira?

I walked up too them and my mother hugged me and some did my father, what happened to your long hair said Sabine, I cut it off said Mira as she looked at her mother, and why are you wearing Buckheads armour said Ezra, I had too join the first older said Mira, but two stormtroopers stunned her parents. NO WHY?! as Mira was on her knees looking at her parents, Kylo Ren walked up and said so the Bridger's are alive after all as for their daughter too, what are you going too do too them? Said Mira, execute them because they are trailers of the first older, and your their daughter Mira Wren Bridger, yes I am said Mira and looked at Kylo and said you mast be Ben Solo, yes I am said Kylo as he made her go too sleep with the force. Took them with me said Kylo.
Too be continued.........

And remember the force will always be with you.

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