Cyborg ezra

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Ezra and kanan was on a mission as they thought it was going to be a safe one but something doesn't want wrong.

Ezra's pov
Kanan and I was running away from the stormtroopers as they shot behide us both but we had our lightsabers as we deflected the shoots back too the stormtroopers, KANAN THERES TO MANY OF THEM! Yelled Ezra, THERES A SHIP! MAKE A RUN FOR IT! Yelled kanan, Ezra nodded as he ran to the ship but saw something in the ship a Fillmore bomb, Ezra froze as he looked at the Fillmore bomb (is that how you spell it?) EZRA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Said kanan as he ran to the ship but Ezra stop Kanan by using the force to push him away as the bomb exploded behind Ezra as kanan saw his son was gone in the smoke. EZRA!!!! Yelled out kanan as he ran in the smoke to see Ezra with burns and Ezra wasn't looking that great. Ezra? Said kanan as he picked up his son in his arms, I have to get you back home said kanan as he started to cry.

Back at choper base.

Sabine's pov
I was waiting for Ezra to come back home from the mission he was on with Kanan but I have a feeling someone was hurt, I hope it's not Ezra said Sabine as she got up and walked out of the ghost and saw kanan with hera as Sabine saw lots of blood on kanan, NOOOO! Yelled out sabine as she fell down on her knees as Hera saw her daughter crying, Sabine? What...sobbing...happened? Said said, Ezra was hurt but his going to be okay sabine I promise said hera as Sabine hug hera.

Weeks later.

Kanan's pov
I know that Ezra was going to be scared what happened to him. I walked in the med bay as I saw Ezra with a med droid, how is he? Said kanan, he's alive but the damage is worse then I thought said the med droid, what do you mean? Said kanan, Bridger as been really hurt and needs to go in sorcery said the med droid, okay take good care of him said kanan as the droid did sorcery on Ezra.

Sabine's pov
I was outside of the med bay as kanan walked out, how is he? Said Sabine, Ezra's in sorcery right now said kanan, Sabine put her hands on her mouth as she started to cry. He's going to be fine sabine said kanan as Sabine hugged kanan. Then the droid walked out and said he's alive and you can see him now, Sabine stopped hugging kanan as she ran in to see her boyfriend. She then saw her boyfriend as Ezra was looking at himself. Ezzy? Said Sabine as she saw Ezra with no top on as Ezra turned around and said what have they done to me? (Ezra looks like this)

Ezzy? Said Sabine as she saw Ezra walking to her, look what they've done to me bine! I'm a machine! Yelled Ezra, but you still have your blue eyes said Sabine but one wasn't (Looks like this)

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Ezzy? Said Sabine as she saw Ezra walking to her, look what they've done to me bine! I'm a machine! Yelled Ezra, but you still have your blue eyes said Sabine but one wasn't (Looks like this)

Ezzy? Said Sabine as she saw Ezra walking to her, look what they've done to me bine! I'm a machine! Yelled Ezra, but you still have your blue eyes said Sabine but one wasn't (Looks like this)

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(His eye in blue still)

Sabine gasp as Ezra looked at her, YOU SEE NOW! IM A MACHINE! Yelled out Ezra, no you're not Ezra your a cyborg said kanan, what do you mean? Said Ezra, you're still human but haft machine said kanan, Ezra looked at his robotic arm and looked at himself, why did I lived from this? Said Ezra, because of the force, it's not going to let you die so soon said kanan, no! It's because of love that saved him said Sabine as she hold Ezra's robotic left hand, I still love you ezzy said Sabine, Ezra smiled and kissed his girlfriend, so? How can i still do missions? Said Ezra, you can but you need to hide your arm away said kanan, like a glove? Said Ezra, yes said sabine.

To be continued....
What's going to happen next?

And remember the force will always be with you.
Mammal out!

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