A little fun

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As the rebels had been doing all the missions they were all tried but Sabine was more tried then all of the ghost crew.

Ezra's pov
I looked at Sabine as she was in the common room as I felt her tried of the missions we all had but I felt something less then that she had feelings for me, hey Sabine said Ezra, what do you want Ezra? Said Sabine, just wanted too see if you where okay said Ezra, I'm fine just leave me alone said Sabine as she walked too her room as Ezra watch Sabine walk in her bedroom. Why does she always have too do this? Said Ezra, because she's playing hard to get Ezra said Hera, what do you mean Hera? Said Ezra, Sabine has feelings for you Ezra said Hera, she does? Because I can feel it in the force what she's think about said Ezra, just talk too her Ezra, do something that will make her happy said Hera, I'll do my best Hera said Ezra as he walked too Sabine's bedroom door and knocked on it.

Sabine's pov
I was painting as someone knocked on my bedroom door, I opened it as I saw Ezra looking at me with his blue eyes that I love so much, what do you want Ezra? Said Sabine, I wanted too ask if I can come in? Said Ezra, Sabine bit her lip and said too herself  'oh I can't say no this time like the times he asked me out but Rejected him' yes you may come in said Sabine as she turned red. Ezra sit down on Sabine's bed as he said 'do you like dancing? I haven't tryed dancing before said Sabine, do you want me to saw you how to dance? Said Ezra, Sabine couldn't say no this time, yes please I would like it said Sabine as Ezra smiled and said take my hand as Sabine did as Ezra though Sabine to dance.


Ezra's pov
You ready for the real time? Said Ezra, yes I am said Sabine as Ezra took Sabine's hand and they dances in her bedroom as Ezra smiled at Sabine as she blush very red and so did Ezra but Sabine trip on something as she fell on top of Ezra as they where both on the ground and they looked eye too eye, hmm sorry about that said Sabine, no it's okay said Ezra, they both got up as Ezra and Sabine was still looking at each other, thanks for the dance Ezra said Sabine, you're welcome sabine said Ezra as he tried too walk out of Sabine's room but only to be stopped as Sabine grabbed Ezra's hand, what's wrong....Ezra tryed to say but Sabine cut him off by kissing him. Ezra's eyes want big but closed his eyes as he kissed Sabine back, then they both stopped and looked at each other again, I wanted too do that for a long time said Sabine, some here said Ezra as they both kissed again.

The end.
I hope you guys liked this little sabezra part I made today.
And remember the force will always be with you. Mamma out.

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