"Welcomingly Realistic"

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A succubae stands before her succubae queen. She knew she was in trouble as soon as she got back from the 'match making' mission. Succubae share thoughts in a manner of speaking.

The young succubae knows the charges and the likely penalties.

"You have done two things that are not permitted except by permission. Accepting a payment for services over time and public use of magic.

Do you have clear thoughts now? Can you tell us when these things are banned and restricted?"

Payment over time has risks. The payees might have a change of inner quality that makes payments useless. We succubae might not be able to safely visit the payees to collect payments due.

Public use of magic can lead to discovery. Leading to nuisance or tragic developments.

It is also an expenditure that incurs client debt.

"OK. Good then you understand the next steps are your penalties."

The Succubae Queen stands and drains nearly all life out to the young succubae, then thoughtfully blows a small portion of life back in.

Filled with the Queen's responsible nature, the young succubae feels more sure that her punishment is simply a necessity.

The queen leads the dully colored young succubae to have clothes put on her. A white thick set of clothes that give the appearance of girl's ski suit. It has a pocket inside the rear of the pants for the tail to rest close to the body (for warmth).

It will be cold where they are going.

Using a non-magical portal they move to the North Pole on earth. From there they use a different non-magical portal to travel straight up. From Earth to a place around the Polaris Star (the north star).

It is much colder there.

This is where the young succubae will work without the use of magic. At Nickolas's Wish Fulfillment Center.

An organization that is like the succubae (trading life energy for magic requests). Except the life energy of humans is so limited, the staff must use absolutely every cost saving measure.

As a kindness to humans (who can change their minds quickly), this wish fulfillment center only delivers once a year.

The workers are all smaller than the succubae girl.

They wear green clothes with some of the same features as the white outwear. A place in the pants to keep the tail close to the body. A hat to cover ears and horns. All the workers have the signs of an extremely reduced magic energy intake.

The succubae girl works some foot pedals. Teams are building basic toy parts. Many of them operate foot pedals with more the experienced staff making cuts and drilling.

After some time they stop for a night's rest. Bodies without magic get tired and need to sleep.

When the shift starts again, the succubae girl is shown a large pan that has a thin spread of magic at the bottom.

Some that are tired and sore dip fingers into the pan. Rejuvenated those will be expected to do the hardest work today. The workers either dip finger or simply walk by. Those at the end look very weary and run fingers along what remains in the pan.

The staff is making basic toys. Expecting that specific wishes will actually demand some toys like theses.

She will not get energy from the pan since this is a punishment visit. It is also not really succubae style energy.

After many days her legs are worn out from all the pedaling, so they show her how to move toys to storage with wheeled carts.

One large room holds wood block dolls that are held tighter by thin ropes.

After some days of this task, she wakes early and goes the storage room. She looks it over and pairs many girl dolls to boy dolls giving each thoughtful consideration. She pairs some girls with hands held (friends) and some boys with arms over shoulders (friends).

One of the staff surprises her "You should not do that. While we have so little magic, we are all magical beings. If you pair them, we might need to split them apart for delivery. The magic they are imbued with might make them miss the other."

The succubae girl restores each to where they had been, and leaves.

The 'elf' stays still for a long time and exhaless out a long sigh 'I do not know honestly. I have never met a succubae that talks so little.'

Some months later the Succubae Queen comes for the girl and takes her to the earth couple she had set together. They sleep happily.

The queen tells her that her magic supply for a long while will be just what this couple can give her. None of the others will go lacking because of her bad choice.

It had been hard. All that work. She knew how much life she planned to originally take.

When she finished, she is happy she kept good composure. Taking only the amount she originally planned to take.

The Queen smiles. The girl succubae asks the queen for a special permission.

The queen takes the young succubae back to the wish fulfillment center and is taken to visit Nickolas.

"The staff here works so hard, may I give some of my energy to help them?"

He agrees, but only if she can produce the higher energy magic into a vial.

It is not too much, but she manages to fill a vial.

The queen and Nickolas take her back down to the work area and into the doll storage room where all the 'elves' are waiting.

Nicholas takes a small drop from the vial and spreads it like a mist through the room. The staff becomes lively and festive. The dolls stand up and start to dance around the room (often in pairs).

The Succubae Queen is very pleased. A young succubae has learned many lessons and not fallen into hunger or sadness or greed. A succubae in Nicholas's Wish Fulfillment Center bringing joy so that even the dolls dance together. A welcome and familiar type of thing. Very achievable. The Succubae Girl will come back with her after this party is over.

For the Succubae Queen, these events do not happen regularly, but often enough. Often enough that sometimes the tales are told. Told by older relatives to children that have wood block dolls held together by rope.

With a little string, you can show the kids yourselves. Strings tied to fingers and the rope joints will let the dolls dance again.

Which two dolls should dance together today? What do you say children? Or should we let the dolls decide?

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