"Playful & Coy Scheming"

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The Succubae Queen sent an image of the vampire girl to all her subjects months ago. Twenty minutes after getting the bad meal, she looks happy and healthy walking next to the angel. Her smile is grateful and telling. The angel is very nice to look at.

The queen has finally decided. She will use the image of that girl, who would appear to be perfectly safe. The universe can be a chaotic thing. The girl might need food in the future. The queen will be sure to track that.

Using her image also will let the other succubae think that girl is just off somewhere living.

They have contracted a good situation. A shy man wants a date as his "plus one" at a wedding.

Payment and arrangement are all ready.

A young inexperienced succubae is selected (since the work is mostly logistical).

She arrives for inspection wearing a baby blue hardly visible sundress (because it goes so well with vampire girl's transparent tone). The queen sends her back.

"Guests should not upstage the bride at a wedding! Get an 'A LINE' two piece ensemble."

She comes back with good 'A LINE' set, but it is in white.

"Only the bride wears white. Make it in dark navy blue and make sure the stitching is perfect inside and out."

Three hours later, the blue color passes inspection. A nice formal top that leaves some waist exposed. A matching skirt that is just over knee length.

If the skirt were shorter and colors more dramatic, it could almost be a cheerleader costume. The solid dark color and longer skirt length achieves the formal look.

She arrives at the wedding in time and sits with 'the client'.

The formalities are nice and pleasant.

After most have left the building, some of the wedding groomsmen come over. A small crowd grows.

"Me? Oh I had a bad time recently. I got rescued by kind beings. I wanted to pay back into good karma and powerful telepaths suggested I spend time with a nice man.

When she is seated the exposed waist actually let people see through her clearish body. They can see the inside of the skirt at the back.

Because she is a succubae, men and women wonder. Is she wearing just the dress and nothing else?

You would need to get very close to the bare mid-drift and look up and down from there. Not something anyone would dare to do at a wedding.

Knowing glances are exchanged, but 'the client' has not noticed. He admires the pleasant eyes and face.

The face and hair did not have the same clearness.

You did not see the skull, jaw or teeth. Just a nice and pleasant face.

When she smiled, the fangs might sparkle for an instant. Not frighteningly, it just added to the general intrigue of this person.

They all leave the wedding hall to go outside. 'The client' and his guest stay by the building shadows.

When the bouquet is about to be thrown, the succubae sense a general lack of interest in catching it.

The bride heaves it into the air, and vampire girl moves like rocket powered mists.

Saying goodbye and waving the bouquet as she speeds away.

'The client" also waves goodbye to the groom.

He had arranged to work from his home today.

It surprises him to find his apartment spotlessly cleaned. He had gotten a list of instructions.

Be sure to drink iced water regularly.

Stay in your wedding clothes all day.

About three hours after getting home, he is visited by some of the wedding party.

One groomsman wanted the girls in the group to see how 'the client" lived. There had been so much discussion on what kind of man gets a 'plus one' that pretty.

They sit and laugh for a while.

The groomsman asks in a serious tone "The was a succubus, wasn't it?"

"The client' had clear instructions on how to answer.

They visitors laugh at the question.

Silence looms for awhile, and laughter resumes.

Silence drags, and then greater laughter ensues.

At the third silence, 'the client' says words as directed "Why? Do you want to contact them?"

Drink fueled laughter roars around.

They eventually they leave 'the client' to get back to work.

None of the girls there thought they would get along with 'the client'; but they had shy friends.

He was hard working and looked nice.

Two years later, the succubae visited his wedding in disguise.

She came back to the succubae queen and enthused over how much match-making she saw going on at the wedding.

The queen smiles and decides I should send this succubae to the 'cupid projects' group.

What is match-making, but just nice scheming? Scheming comes so naturally to the succubae.

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