Chapter five | Let's get this bread!

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Holy hell guys I haven't done this in awhile lmao. Anyways, school has been annoying and keeping me from writing about my husband so >:((((
Also I hope you like shorter chapters! These are probably gonna have like, 250 words at the most.

Your loud obnoxious alarm wakes you up. You hastily turn it off and drift back into sleep. A few minutes later and you awake again. You aimlessly hit it a few times and one of them eventually knocks it off causing you to get up. You look at yourself in the mirror and groan, you look like crap holy. You were still wearing that outfit from last night. You then walk downstairs like normal and when you saw Micheal you freaked out for a second but then remembered what happened. So you have this guy kidnapped, nice. You think about what to do and stare at him while doing so. You then realize the absolute size of Micheal. He's like, very tall. A tall dwarf from the looks of it. It seemed like he curled himself up in the blanket. You were probably gonna have to wash that in oxi-clean a few times to get out his scent but Billy Mays never disappoints. He wasn't snoring or drooling but he had his mouth really wide open like he was doing a silent snore. Or sucking a dick, you really couldn't tell. Anyways, you still had to do with this guy. Ok. I'm gonna make some toast. Everyone loves toast. You told yourself silently. Even though you hated toast yourself you thought that maybe he would like it, that and you really needed to get rid of that bread.
"Let's get this bread!" You whispered on your way to the kitchen.

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