Chapter 10

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I ended up sleeping until 5 pm. I got up and showered, and then proceeded to walk downstairs.

I didn't have any pets yet because my parents took them to Paris. So I figured I would buy one soon. Maybe a dog or a cat..or both.

I went to the pantry and got Rice Krispies. I walked into the living room and to my dismay Niall wasn't there. I frowned and turned on the tv, then made my way to the couch.

When I finished, I went to the kitchen to rinse my bowl. My phone vibrated and I dropped my bowl. It was shattered.

"Shit." I whispered and started to pick up the pieces and cut myself. It was gushing blood so I grabbed a dish towel and pressed it to my cut. "Owww." I winced.

I heard the doorbell about ten minutes later and I was still on the floor in a small puddle of blood. I carefully stepped around the glass and walked to the door.

I opened it and there stood Niall with a worried expression.

"Are you okay? I texted you like 15 minutes ago and you didn't answer and when I came here it took like 5 minutes for you to come to the door."

"I'm fine, now isn't a good time."


"Uhmm it's just not." I didn't want him to see the blood because he'd probably overreact.

"Caitlyn. Tell me." he demanded.

"Uhh...well I sort of... cutmyselfwhiletryingtorinsemybowl..?"

"Woah woah slow down. Slower this time."he chuckled.

"I cut myself..with a bowl..that I dropped while rinsing it."

"How bad?"

"I took him to the kitchen."

His eyes widened, "Why didn't you tell me!? We could have been at the hospital by now! How could you have been so stupid?!"



"I'm not stupid." I said tearing up and I ran out of my house crying and I went to the park. To the tree I used to sit under as a kid. I cried to myself for a good half hour and finally stopped. I started to calm down. I hated being called stupid. I mean no one likes it but I have a good reason I hate it.

When I was younger my dad would call me stupid all the time and my mother would sit there emotionless while my brother would try to stop him. I'd sit there crying and run to my room. The first time he did that it stuck with me. The people at my school would see me come in with bruises and call me a freak and weirdo, tell me that I was adopted and unloved.

I felt like I had no way out. Every time I was in class even the teachers would laugh at the remarks made about me. I gave up one day. I walked to the pond in my neighborhood and went for a "swim". I swam to the middle and stopped swimming and just let myself sink. I felt free like I was being unchained. Then I started to black out.

I felt a pair of arms around me and I was being pulled out of the water. My neighbor Carter was above me looking scared and kept shouting to his little brother and sister to get their mom and call 911. I was later taken to the hospital and put under house arrest so they could keep an eye on me. Carter came to visit me and see if I was okay.

After everything calmed down he stopped talking to me. Never spared me a glance. It hurt you know? I thought maybe he could be a friend or at least a neighbor. But of course, I was still just a freak. Not to him, everyone.

And Niall probably thinks I'm one too. Stop it Cait. You don't need him.

I think I need to get away for a while, take a vacation. I'm gonna take Lauren.

I wonder if she is still single? I know she's got her eye on this kid in our school, Nick is his name.

Anyways, I need to get home.

I walked to my house and saw that his car was still there. I internally sighed. I slowly walked up to the door.

When I got inside I saw that the blood was cleaned up but the living room a complete mess. Beer bottles everywhere and there was a passed out Niall on the couch, his face was flushed and his eyes were puffy. I put a blanket over him and started to clean up.

Everything was cleaned except the glass on the carpet. I was gonna pick it up when,

"Caitlyn? Don't touch that! You'll get hurt and-owwww." he groaned.

"One second." I grumbled and walked to the kitchen. I got ibuprofen and water. I came back to a pacing Niall.

"Why'd you have to leave? I couldn't find you anywhere and you didn't take your phone! I was worried sick, you could've been-"



"Stop." I handed him the ibuprofen and water. I then walked upstairs and got into bed.

I didn't know he followed me until I felt his arms around me. He leaned in toward my neck, whispered a small "sorry" and kissed it.

I turned over and kissed his cheek and laid my head on his chest.

"I love you." I blurted out.

"I love you too." he smiled and held me tightly. We fell asleep like that.

In the morning I'll have to tell him.


hi! hope you liked it. I'm sorry it took so long I'm doing my best! please let me know if you've got ideas and maybe I'll use them! just message me or something! love you all!


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