Chapter 9

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After my shower, I went to bed and fell into a deep sleep. I needed it, obviously.


The next morning I decided I wouldn't go to school and that since it was Friday that it wouldn't matter. I was too tired and weak.

I went downstairs and heard the tv was on. Niall was playing on his phone and he looked up to me and smiled, "Good morning"

"Morning, how come you're here? I thought you went home." I grumbled, my sleepiness still affecting me.

"Well I woke up early and decided to check on you, your door was open by the way, make sure to lock it next time."

"Yes dad." I retorted.

"Hush, now do you wanna go out to eat breakfast?"

"Yes! I'm starving!"

"Alright let's go."

I went to put on shorts and an old soccer shirt with flip flops. I brushed my hair and practically ran into Niall while sprinting down the stairs.

"Oops, sorry I'm just really hungry!" I said laughing.

"It's fine." he said starting to giggle.

"Oh my gosh you're giggling." I said laughing harder.

"Shut up!" he said joking and giggling even more.

"Haha wow you're really something aren't you?"

"I try." My stomach made a grumbling noise.

"Alright I need food. Stat."

"Yes ma'am!" he saluted me. I pushed his shoulder and walked to his car.

I got in before him and locked the doors. He tried unlocking them but I kept pressing the lock button.

"Really?" he said trying to keep a straight face and failing, falling into a fit of laughter.

I just smiled in return and unlocked the door.

*Drive to restaurant*

"So.." I said trying to make conversation.

"So..?" he said confused.

"I don't know I'm bored."

"Well we're almost there." my stomach growled.

"Yeah but I don't think she will make it."

"Really? She? You know you're stomach isn't a person. Right?"

"Shh! Don't say that around her! She's only 18!" I said trying to hold back a giggle.

"My god, you need to be studied."

"Well then."


Our host showed us to our table and soon after the waiter came.

"Can I get you anything to drink Miss?"

He asked me politely.

"Water please." I smiled. He winked and asked Niall what he wanted.

"Water." He said annoyed. He walked away with our order.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

"What's wrong? Why don't you ask your boy toy what's wrong."

"Oh god not this again. You know all I did was be polite, you should try it."

"Well sorry but I think he was too polite."

"He winked get over it, I don't even like him. I like someone else."


"A guy."

"Seriously who?"

"None of your business."

"It is actually."

"How so?"

"He could be in a gang or be a killer."

"He actually is in a gang."

"What one?"

"I don't know he wouldn't tell me."

"Hmph. What's he look like?"

"Blonde, Blue eyes."

"Sounds like a total douche."

"Well it's not nice to say those things about yourself."

His jaw dropped and his face turned red.

"You like me?"


He didn't reply for a few minutes and I looked down.

"I like you too."

My head snapped up,"Really?"

"Yup." he popped the "p".

"Oh cool." I nervously chuckled.

We sat in silence until the waiter came back and took our orders.

"I'll get pancakes with eggs and bacon. She'll have the same but with sausage instead." Niall said firmly.

"Okay, will that be all?" He asked.


He walked away without a word.


The ride home was quiet, I almost fell asleep but we arrived at my house and I walked up the steps to the front door.

I didn't notice Niall got out until he spoke up.

"I'm in the Vipers." he said. Huh?

"What?" I asked confused.

"The gang I'm in. You said earlier that.." He trailed off.

"Oh yeah, thanks." I smiled.

I turned to my door and put the key in,

"Caitlyn, I have to ask you something."

"Okay, shoot."

"Willyoubemygirlfriend." he said quickly.


"Will you be my.." he whispered the last part.

"Niall just spit it out I'm tired!"


I stared at him and processed what he said. I got the birds in my stomach again.

"Yes." I replied nonchalantly trying to be cool but on the inside I was screaming with joy.

"Great." he smiled dazed.

"See you soon?"

"Tomorrow cool?"


He smiled in reply. He walked up the steps to me and kissed my cheek. My face turned beet-red and he chuckled.

"Later princess." he whispered.

"Bye Ni."


"Yeah, Ni. That's what I'm gonna call you since you call me princess."

"S'alright with me." he waved and walked to his car.

I went inside and went back to bed, not crying, but smiling myself to sleep.



Double update! YAY!! hope you enjoyed, love y'all<-----getting a bit southern there..haha anywhoooo, byeee love you guys!


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