Chapter 19

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I woke up to Niall leaving at around 7. He was trying to sneak out and just watched him, he never noticed I had even woke up.

I wonder where he's going so early. I got up quietly and followed him down the stairs quietly. He left a note on the counter and I went to read it after he went to the bathroom, it said:


Sorry I left you so early, had to work.

I hope you have a great day, be back around 11pm,

Love you,

Niall xx

Hmm.. I stepped behind an open door and watched him come out of the bathroom and leave out the front door. This was my opportunity to see what this "work" was.

I peeked through the front window and saw him walk to the end of the driveway. I grabbed my sweater and put on some leggings that I had tossed to the floor a few days ago.

I put on my boots and ran out the door to follow him.

He was walking throughout the town and I saw him go to a restaurant.

Why would he go into a restaurant?

Then it hit me. He's cheating on me. I proven right as soon as I saw him greet a girl with a kiss while hugging her waist.

She was gorgeous, how could he resist her. she had dark brown hair with grey eyes. She was pale and was super thin.

I couldn't believe it. Who am I kidding of course I can believe it, he does it all the time.

After sitting there moping around watching them enjoy their meal, they started to leave, I hid around a corner and watched him take her to a mall.

What did I do to deserve this?

He held her hand and looked at her so appreciatively. He never looked at me that way. I bet he loves her.

After she went to the bathroom I left, I had seen enough. Work my ass, the only thing you're working is me.

I went home and cried. No. Bawled is more like it. For a straight hour, I felt so miserable.

It was 11:15pm and Niall came home. He had his perfect smile on and was full of joy as usual. Time to ruin that I guess.

"Hi, how was your day?" I asked smiling.

"It was okay, it would have been better if you were there though." he said smirking. Yeah. That's complete bullshit.

"Oh that's good, what did you work on?" I asked smiling, I could feel the anger bubbling inside of me. He lied to me.

"Uhh, nothing really. Just erm..met some people for a job interview." he said smiling nervously. Oh so you kiss people in a job interview? Huh, must be a European thing because last I heard, you shake hands. Not kiss their lips and hug their waist. But then again, times must be changing.

"Oh okay.."

"Something wrong?"

"No not at all..why?"

"You just seem upset."

"Oh, well wouldn't you be upset if I cheated on you again and lied to your face about it? I mean come on you don't think I'm that stupid do you?" I laughed bitterly.

"Caitlyn I-"

"Save it. Get out and don't EVER talk to me again." I cut him off harshly.

"Please. Caitlyn it meant nothing." he started tearing up.

"Niall I have given you so many chances, you always say it didn't mean anything or that you need one more chance. Well that chance is up and I think it's time we see other people." I looked at the floor and waited for him to leave.

"Fine, but just let me get something first." he advanced towards me and kissed me. I didn't expect it and I didn't kiss back. "Kiss me back." he mumbled.

"No." I managed before tearing myself out of his latch.

He looked down, ashamed. After a few minutes he hugged me tightly and whispered,"I love you, I hope you will think about giving me another chance, it'll be the last time I swear."

I nodded. Never meeting his eyes and watched him walk out the door.

Not even a second later I was on the ground in tears.

No. You aren't gonna cry over him.

I thought for a second, I'm calling Lauren and Ed.


hey hope this wasn't too bad! thanks for reading, vote and stuff lol jk you don't have to! love you all❤️


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