Chapter 18

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Adam : Yo

Adam : Where were you yesterday? I stopped by but you weren't there..

(Y/N) : I was avoiding you duh

Adam : Very funny

(Y/N): Iz the truth bruh, sorry you can't take it

(Y/N): Iz the truth bruh, sorry you can't take it

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You ran a hand through your hair, frustrated. You had spent most of last night having a long talk with Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman about the next steps that are necessary to take.

You had talked with them for a long time before they had asked the question that had you answering without hesitation, but now you were rethinking it.

"Do you want to live as a superhero or a non-supe? Just because you live as a superhero doesn't mean that you need to pursue it, though."

"Yes. My mom was a superhero and even if it doesn't count, I'd like for even an essence of her to be remembered, through me."

Barb grabbed your hand and offered a small smile, which you returned.

You were seriously rethinking it, staring at your to-do list. Apparently, becoming a supe was more than applying for a new identity. Way more.

You had so many things on the list that just looking at it gave you a head-ache.

You glanced at the clock and '11:11 P.M.' stared back at you in big green numbers.

"Make a wish." You murmured and cleared your table, grabbing your books and twirling a pen between your fingers.

You had a paper due in 2 weeks, might as well get something off that infuriating list.

You had a paper due in 2 weeks, might as well get something off that infuriating list

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Just like last night, the morning was not pretty. You ended up falling asleep on your paper and woke up 3 hours later with your ink on your face.

Then, you hastily wiped your drool off your textbook cover and had scrubbed extra hard to get the ink off your face before you were rubbing aloe gel into your red skin.

Then, you took a picture of your to-do list and made it your lock screen, which practically killed you on the inside but you couldn't afford to go off-track.

A Little Good Influence | Max Thunderman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now