Chapter 41

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Pheebs: Dinner at my house?

(Y/N): Are you sure? I don't want to intrude or anything.

Pheebs: Nonsense. My parents want to see you anyway. So do Billy, Nora and Chloe.

(Y/N): Well if Billy and Nora want to see me then I guess I could squeeze you in.

Pheebs: Great! Tonight at 8!

(Y/N): I'll be there.

"This lasagne is delicious, Mrs

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"This lasagne is delicious, Mrs. Thunderman." You smiled up at her as she piled some more onto your plate.

'Don't eat to much. We still have to train.'  Came the voice from your glass of water sitting beside you. You were quite thankful that no one could hear the spirit of water except for yourself.

She returned the grin, her finger gently brushing your cheek, "Eat all you want, (Y/N)."

"Thank you."

You all sat in a comfortable silence, with Phoebe gently chatting with you between talks with Max while you talked with Chloe and Nora.

When the conversation died down a bit, you were finally able to ask a question that you had been thinking of for quite a while...

You cleared your throat, "So, Mrs. Thunderman, any update on Adam?"

It was as if a gunshot was fired. The conversation died off immediately, at least from the adults and the twins. Billy, Nora and Chloe were just as clueless as you were.

A nervous laugh escaped you before your mind settled on the worst possible scenario and you could feel your heartrate pick up at the thought of Adam being far too gone.

"What is it? Is he still in critical condition?"

"Um, well," Hank began and was continued by his wife, "Adam is being taken care of."

'They're not telling you the truth.'

Your brows furrowed and you looked to the twins only to find them with expressions as nervous as their parents, "Guys? What's going on?"

"Nothing, (Y/N), we really haven't kept tabs on Adam, he's being taken care of by the superhero council." Informed Max so nonchalantly that you almost believed him.

The glass of water on your table rippled furiously, 'He's lying.'

"You're lying."

"He's not lying, (Y/N)." Phoebe said gently, placing an arm on your shoulder but you jerked back, looking past the facade she put up to see the nervousness in her eyes.

"You're lying to me, too." You whispered, feeling hurt that your own best friend was hiding something about your adoptive brother from you. The fork in your hand slipped to your plate and you stood up, grabbing your phone off the table and hastily stuffing it into your pocket.

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