Chapter 30

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This chapter may TRIGGER some people, maybe. So I'm just forewarning you if you're afraid of mentions of blood, violence or needles. This may also trigger people with anxiety, but I'm not really sure, so I'm just trying to give ya'll a heads up.

"Alright, this will just be a painless shot, just to activate the powers before we can extract them, alright?" Adam looked over to you, waiting for your consent and at your nod he grabbed the syringe which made you blanch at the sight.

"That's a little big isn't it?"

He laughed and ruffled your hair, "I'll hold your hand if you want."

You huffed, "I'm not a child."

"You might feel a little-lightheaded so once I give you the shot you might want to take a sip." He mentioned nodding over to the glass of water set down at your feet.

You nodded, whimpering when he tightened the strap around your arm to make your vein more visible.

He smiled, amused and brought the needle to your skin, prodding and poking for your vein to become more defined but just as the needle was about to pierce your skin, he pulled back.

"I know you were disappointed by your mom." He began and you wanted to stop him, to say that you knew what he was going to tell you, but all you could do was stay silent, "I know you were disappointed by me too."

You sighed, "I can't say I wasn't, Adam. You hid behind this nice guy exterior and then you did a one-eighty on me. Now you're being nice again and I can't tell if this is a trick," You paused before whispering, "I really don't want it to be."

Adam set down the syringe before pulling you into a hug, You tensed immediately, your hands falling awkwardly to your sides and clenching rigidly instead of wrapping themselves around his waist.

"I'm sorry." He murmured, "I should've told you first. I was afraid that you would turn out like your mother, and want to keep my powers."

"I'm nothing like my mother, I see that know." You muttered sadly and he patted your head, sensing your disappointment.

You took deep breaths, "She's kept it from you for too long, I've kept them from you for too long. I'm ready now."

He nodded and pulled away, picking up the syringe was again and in the next minute he had pushed the needle through your skin, injecting the serum into your bloodstream before pulling away and dabbing with a cotton pad.

"Did anything even happen? I don't feel anyth—" Your breath hitched and your eyes widened when you felt pain like lightning shoot up your arm.

"Agh!" You fell off the chair knocking over your glass of water and Adam ripped the strap of your arm cradling your head.

Pain spread through your body and your throat got chocked up and you struggled to take breaths.

"It's okay, it's okay, just breathe." Adam whispered and after a few absolutely excruciating minutes, pain stopped pulsing through you but your body was sore and hurting.

"Are you alright?" You heard Adam's concerned voice while you faded in and out of consciousness.

You licked your lip, before stuttering out a weak 'yes'.

He pulled you up so you were sitting and cradled you against him. You leaned onto his shoulder, letting your body give away before you heard something. A trickle.

You opened your eyes weakly, hearing the trickle of water get louder before you felt your sleeves get wet. 

Looking down, your eyes widened seeing a snake crawl toward you. Snakes were winding themselves up your arm and it took you a few seconds to realize that it was made from the  water that was slowly pooling around you and Adam, making your clothes wet.

The cobra of water wound itself around you, crawling to your shoulders and flattening out its hood, hissing at Adam.

Your eyes snapped to Adam, who was frozen, "What's going on?"

"My powers. They've been activated."

The cobra continued to hiss, it's hood was spread intimidatingly and it kept Adam at arms length from you.

"Why is it hissing?" You asked, worried.

He shook his head, trying to calm you down but you couldn't calm yourself, you were just getting more agitated and panicked, "It's okay, it just wants to protect you."

"From what?!" You were full blown panicking now as another snake clambered into your lap, lunging at Adam once, then twice, hissing madly as it raised itself protectively.

"Just calm down and they'll go away, then we can finish the procedure." He tried but you couldn't hear anything over the sound of hissing and water trickling.

Adam got up, backing away from you, "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I know!"

"No, you're still worried, that's why they're here! Because you see me as a threat."

Another snake of water, the biggest one yet, forged itself out of the growing puddle beneath you, you didn't even know where the water was coming from. It rose threateningly towards Adam, it's body creating a barrier between the both of you.

Your eyes began watering, "Why aren't they going away?"

"Just try to calm down and they will."

You nodded and took shaky breaths, closing your eyes and trying to imagine the serpents falling back into the water but when you heard a deafening creak your eyes snapped open and the sound of hissing filled your ears

The creaks got louder and before you knew it water was spilling from the walls and ceiling of the house. The room was slowly filling up and you were ankles deep.

"(Y/N), please calm down." Adam coaxed, trying to come closer but the snakes hissed harshly and tried to strike him.

"I CAN'T!" You screamed, tears spilling from your eyes.

The snakes moved from your body, getting larger as they slithered towards Adam, getting ready to attack.

Your eyes widened and Adam backed away from you, the water was now reaching mid-calf. The snakes got larger and larger, their bodies disappearing underwater.


You tried to reach for him, for the snakes, for anything, but they leaped, turning into sharp icicles mid-air and ran through him.

You screamed.

Adam's head lolled to the side lifelessly and tears spilled from your eyes. You panicked, you didn't know what to do or how to reach him as blood dripped from from the snakes had impaled him.

Pulling yourself up onto shaky legs you stumbled towards the door, unable to take your eyes off Adam's bloody figure hung onto the wall like a corpse. Your hand reached the handle, trying desperately to pull open the door but the pressure from the water was too much.

Slowly, the water that filled the room escaped underneath the door and cracked open the door from the outside and you fell, trying to get as far away from the body of water that began morphing into a snake but it fell back to the floor with a splash before you ran out of the room.

Spotting Adam's phone on the counter, you dialed the only number you could remember and tears of relief spilled from your eyes when you heard the familiar male pick up.


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