Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I'm sitting in a stolen car. I just left the airport and on my way to Mystic Falls. I went back to my apartment and packed up some things that I'll need. Mainly clothes. I've got the radio up really loud and the roof off. I stole a red Ferrari California. I love the feel of the wind in my face. I wonder what it will be like see them again. What if Stephen doesn't remember me. I know Damon would. I'm his best/only friend he has. I start laughing. Of course he will remember me. But I have changed lots since the 1896. God back them every lady wore cosets and dresses down to the ground. I look down to what I'm wears. Black ankle converse, dark denim shorts, black singlet that says Que sera sera (meaning: whatever will be, will be) and a black and red flanny shirt tired around my waist. Times have changed. HEAPS.

A hour passes and I pass a sign that says Welcome to Mystic Falls. I smile. I drive slowly around town. I'm hungry so I park out side the Mystic Grill so I can get some food. I walk in and bingo! They have a bar. I walk over and order a bourbon. Once I have it I walk over to a booth and order a burger and chips. I sit there waiting for my food and sipping my bourbon. Once my food comes I eat it. I pay for everything then leave. I walk around the corner towards my car when I heard them. "Come on Damon, she hates you."

"No she doesn't." He replays brushing it of.

"You killed her brother."

"There is a BIG astrikes next to that. He came back." Stephan's about to reply but is cut of as they walk into the noisy bar. I wounded who he killed. Not that it matters. He has killed many people. I get into my car and drive to find a hotel. I would usually go for the best for closer in town but seeing that as soon as Damon see me he will make me stay with him. So I can do with a hotel for now.

After a hour of watching pointless T.V I deside to go for a walk around town. I'm sitting on a bench in the town square when I see brunet girl walking around with a blond girl. I deside to eves drop. "Come on Care drop it. I'm not talking to Damon ever again. He killed him." O so she must be the girl they where talking about before.

"But it wasn't his fault. Katherine pushed him over the edge,plus he is alive isn't he." The blond girl pleedes.

" I don't care. He still killed him. He was lucky when it came to the ring." She replys. They are right in front of me and I couldn't help myself. "He's a vampire." I inject. "He killes. It's who he is." They look at me shocked and a little annoyed. "What it's the truth." I smile. " your lucky. Who ever died came back. It doesn't always work that way."I frow thinking of my own experience. I stood up and went to leave. "O. And BTW, which means by the way, be carful what you talk about in public. You never know who could hear you." I smile then vamp run away. I ended up at the grill. I might of sounded bitchy but I don't care. I go and sit at the bar. A blond boy comes up to me. "What will it be." He says with a smile.

"Can I have a bourbon please," I look at his name tag. "Matt." I smile.

"Sure." He leave then comes back with my drink. I take a sip and he leave to surve someone else. I spin around on the chair to look at everyone else here. There are people everywhere eating. I hear the door open and the two girls walk in and over to the pool table where there are a group of teenagers playing. I see the burnet hug someone.he kisses her head. I quickly turn around when I realised that it was Stephan. I desired, when I was watching the T.V that I'll try and stay unoted and see how long it took them to find me. I cosntrate so I can hear them.

"And she was just sitting there. Listening to us. I'm kinder freaking out." I can tell its that brunet one.

"It's okay Elena." It was Stephan. "I'll try and find her tomorrow."

"I'll help. I can do a locater spell." Said a different girl. Not the blond. Wait a spell. I face palm. I hate witches. "Hey you okay?" It was Matt. I smile.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just forgot to call my friend to tell her that I got here." Lesson one in trust, rememberer. Tell the truth. I did forgot to cal Elly. I finished off the drink with one mouth full. "I should go do that. Nice to meet you Matt." I say getting up. I smile and give him a $20 note. "Keep the rest as a tip." He smiles.

"Thank you...what is your name." I'm already walking away with a smirk on my face.

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