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I promise I was done with chapter days ago but ion why its wasn't letting me upload

DeDe above

After being freed, the crew was soon questioned by the police. Travis and Danae were given deals. Instead of going to jail, they both had to testify. Derica, Rodney, and Michelle were shipped off to prison in a hurry.

As for our crew, the following months they drifted apart. Malay had an early birth at 7 months, caused by all the stress that had been put in her life. Trey and she had broken up and never talked unless about August, their baby boy. Lucas and Daya were still together by a thread. They stayed in their own houses instead of alternating days.

On the other hand, Lucas and Danae had got their relationship on good terms. Lucas had met his nephew, Damani. However, Dmitri had disappeared off the face of the earth.

August is now 6 months meaning 13 months had passed since that night. Malay had taken a new passion. She was now a courtside nurse for NBA teams.

Candice had gotten ahold of Ava foster home and went to get her. She had let Malay know that she had her. They were commutation on a daily basis making plans.

Present time.....


I was packing a change of clothes to take to work as August sat watching TUFF Puppy. He was in his Bumbo sitting chair eating his cereal. I grabbed his diaper bag and my work bag sliding my shoes on. I open the garage door to put the bags in the truck.

The way my new house was set up the living room, kitchen and the garage door was alined so I could still see him and hear him babbling. I closed the trunk. I went back into the house putting him into his car seat. He was smiling at me babbling on. I just smiled back strapping him in. I picked him up taking him to the car

Drove for about 7 or 8 minutes from the old apartment. I texted Trey to come downstairs so he can get baby August. I parked on the side of the street. I quickly opened my door because I was on the side of traffic. I walked to the other side of the car opening it revealing baby Aug with showing off his 3 teeth.

"Bye mommy's baby," I spoke softly. I saw Trey and his girlfriend, Dee. She was very pretty and I didn't have a problem with her, but I did think she is a little young for him. She is 21 and he is 33, but that's none of my business. Plus she doesn't have a real job; she is an IG model. But hey I ain't knocking her hustle.

He took August from me. I popped the trunk and DeDe got the bags. The whole time we were silent. It's was really day- to- day routine. I felt him staring at me, but I just closed the door and the trunk. I was so eager to get away because DeDe had caught on to his staring. I got in my car waiting until they crossed the street knowing my baby was ok, I left.

ORACLE Arena: Home of the Warriors

I arrived in the small box office they assigned me and this other nurse too. I dropped my stuff off going to get my nursing tools. I went courtside to my seat while the players warmed up. I was scrolling through my phone when a shadow was cast over me. I looked up and seen Klay towering over me.

"May I help you," I put on my proper voice.

He chuckled," not as of yet but soon."

"Ok?" I said in a questioning tone.

"Ok Klay when you done flirting, Malay could I get an ice pack, please." Draymond Green chimed in.

"Yea Dray I got you." I put my phone down standing up to realize how much taller Klay was compared to me.

I stepped around him and went to the courtside locker room. I went into the back freezer where they kept ice for the ice baths. I grabbed a baggie from a nearby shelf turning its inside out to grab the ice with my hand. I zipped the bag up putting it in surran wrap around it.

I walking back into the locker room closing the freezer behind me. I held the ice bag by its wrappings walking back to the court. Seeing Dray and Klay where I left them I walked over standing in between them.

"Here Dray," I said shifting my weight to my left leg pitting my hand on my hip.

"Just sassy and spicy, spicy and sassy."Dray shook his head taking the ice pack from me walking off.

Klay looked down at me smirking before handing me my phone than walking off to do drills. I looked down on my phone to see he put his phone number in my phone. Klay😎😍

"Stay out my phone little boy!!" I yelled at him only for him to smirk at me and shoot a three without looking.
"Cocky ass little boy," I mumbled sitting down.

I loved the change in careers. I loved sports and I love helping people. This was truly the best financial change I could have made. Other than, the cocky players shooting their shot, no pun intended, I love it. Klay wasn't the first to try and spit game pretty sure won't be the last, but I'm am 36 and I'm not looking for anything temporary. Don't get me wrong I still get play, but I think me and my baby needs any more stress. I'm in daily conversation with Candice about Ava, but we never get personal. I still feel a certain type of way about the whole situation. Another story another time.

Time passed by and I was ready to clock out. I was in the parking garage walking to my car when I heard someone call my name. I turned and see Klay looking good in some sweatpants and a NIKE compression shirt on.

"Yes, Klay?" I hit my button to start my car and to unlock my doors.

"Damn ma you rolling like dat!" His voice echo(ed). You wanna go to dinner tonight?"

"I have two kids, one six months then another 6. I have a baby daddy who lives up the street literally. I am 36 and I don't need any quick fuck. I got niggas for that. You still interested? Nah, right? Have a great night Klay. I opened my door but was pulled back.

" Listen Lay it's clear you been hurt, that's why you so quick to send niggas on their way. I ain't that nigga cuz I ain't him. Don't disrespect me by comparing me to him period. I honestly think your beautiful from the way your skin glows, till the way walk with confidence. I don't care your wall cause I'm determined to break it down. Plus I don't mind you have kids or a baby daddy. I have a little who is 4 her name is Riley and fortunately, her mother doesn't live dangerously close. I think I would lose it."

"Is she crazy CRAZY? Cuz you can keep that I will fight a-"

"No no no," he stopped me with a chuckle. "If she's " busy" she will just drop Riley off without notice. Not that mind spending time with my daughter but she brings her at all the wrong times. Last time I was in the middle of a bachelor party, till I moved across town." He ended shaking his head.


"So will go out with me tonight?"


"Oh right," He scratched his head.

"Tomorrow," I gave him a smile getting into my car. He smiled back and made sure I was settled before he shut my door for me.

"Tomorrow then." He smiled leaning down resting on my window seal.

"Bye Klay," I looked away because his eyes are trapping and he is easy on the eyes.

"Bye Lay. I see you tomorrow."

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