The beginning...

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"Karla! There's only one thing I'm worried about! Fuck Keegan and Kiana"!

"Dave, these are your children! How could you ever say that?"

I held on to my older brother as I cried. He held me warmly in his embrace as we listened to our parents go back and forth.

"I wanna be with Emily! Why can't you just get it through your fucking brain that I'm not attracted to you anymore"!

"You're really leaving me for that young white bitch? She's only nineteen! What can she give you that I already have"?

"Prettier kids, better sex, and a nicer mother in law"!

There was a loud smack causing me to jump.

"Shh, I got you".

My older brother Keegan caressed my head.

"Leave! You ain't shit but a stupid bitch"!

"Oh yeah? Well so are you! I hope you rot in hell"!

There was a loud bump before the door slammed. I slipped from Keegan grip running over to the window. I watched as my father sped away in his car. My eyes teared up and I put my head down in shame. I missed my father already.

"It's aight Kiana, you have me. I'm the only one who you have to look up to now". Keegan mumbled.

"But Daddy–"

"That's not your fucking daddy Ki! He ain't shit"!

I sat down and stared at the floor. I pulled my knees to my chest as I sobbed silently.

Keegan sighed, "Listen, don't ever trust no man unless it's me. Cause quite frankly, men ain't shit. And this coming from one, I'm not joking Ki".

I looked up at him, "No man?"

"No man" he shook his head, "especially older men, unless you wanna end up like ma and dad".

I nodded as I let his words process through my brain.

'Never trust men. Especially the older ones. Their no good, just like my father'

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