A.M: 33

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Kiana Brown
April 3 (Birthday)

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, Happy birthday, Happy birthday to you!" Keegan sang loudly bringing me breakfast in bed.

I forced a smile pulling him into a hug. "Thank you brother."

He pecked my cheek and sat down. I picked over my breakfast trying to hold back tears. Today was supposed to be special, but it's not. I've been in the bed for these past two days. This isn't how I was supposed to spend my birthday week.

"You not hungry?" Keegan asked touching my forehead.

"I'm okay." I sniffled, "just my allergies that's all."

He sighed, "I know that's not true but I gotta head to work. Victoria left you a gift on the table, so go ahead and get up. As soon as we get off work we going out."

"Okay." I smiled before he left my bedroom. I sat my tray of food beside me and grabbed my phone off the charger. I decided to post a picture, just to start the day off.


Kianaax2: Happy Birthday to me! I'm finally 17! Can you say excited? 🥀💙

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Kianaax2: Happy Birthday to me! I'm finally 17! Can you say excited? 🥀💙

I posted my picture and went to my messages. I clicked Draco contact and pressed the call button. I sniffled pulling my hair behind my ear. The phone rung for a minute before going to his voicemail. I wiped a tear and called him once again.

This time it didn't go through at all.

"Bruh!" I yelled frustrated wiping my tears. I threw my phone down and covered my face. I sobbed onto my hands for a minute before getting up. I slipped on my slides and grabbed my car keys.

Draco House.

I walked on the porch ringing the doorbell. I pulled my phone out my pocket checking the time. It was ten minutes after eight. I could hear the door unlock and I fixed my face.

"Who is it?" He yelled making me sigh.



I frustratedly rolled my eyes to the sky. "KIANA!"

"Hold on!" He yelled making me lick my bottom lip. I heard his footsteps.

Or so I thought.

The front door opened revealing Tonya. She smirked at me and flipped her hair. I looked over her attire seeing nothing but Draco t-shirt.

"I'm sorry, but we're occupied." She said making me push past her. I looked around to find Draco on the couch in nothing but his boxers. I angrily shook my fist as tears ran down my face.

He looked back at me, "Did you need something?"

"Don't play with me." I said trying to calm myself down. He just waved me off and chuckled.

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