A.M: 11

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Kiana Brown
Next Day
Cortez House

I laid on Cortez chest as he watched television. To be honest I was tired as hell. I barely got any rest last night due to this child of mines. I didn't wanna fall asleep on Cortez, but I was slowly getting there.

"Baby, yo' phone ringing. I know you here that shit buzzing". He said making me yawn.

I sat up and reached over him. Grabbing my phone, it was Rashad who was tryna call me. I clicked accept and lazily pushed the phone to my ear.


"Kiana, this nigga out of his mind bro! He got into a car accident"! He yelled into the phone.

"Who"? I asked instantly waking up.

"Draco! This nigga came over and smoked about fifteen damn blunts. We told him to just stay here and take a nap. His shit was red as fuck bruh. Now his ass in the damn hospital".

"What is his problem? Like what's going on"? I asked confusingly.

"Shit". Rashad sighed, "my nigga going through depression".

I sighed, "I'm on my way. I'll text you when I get there".

Cortez face frowned up but I ignored it.

"Aight, bye".

He hung up the phone and I got up. I grabbed my purse and other belongings.

"Where you going"?

"To the hospital". I stated simply.

"Why? Who you going to see"? He asked sitting up in the bed.

"Draco". I told truthfully.

He bawled up his face before laughing. I stared at him as I sighed getting ready for this argument.

"So you leaving yo' nigga to go see another nigga"? He asked getting off the bed.

"He's my–"

He shrugged, "I don't give a fuck if he was Jesus. You just can't up and leave me to go see another nigga. The fuck kinda girlfriend are you? You disrespectful ass hell".

"If it's that deep just come. I mean it's not that serious Cortez"! I yelled frustrated.

"Nah, gon' head and go. I'm letting you know now tho' that when you leave out that door don't come back. We gon' be done for good and that's on my mama. Matter of fact, I want you to leave so you can see what the fuck you gon' miss". He licked his lips before getting back into his bed.

"I'm tired of this shit dude! You acting like I'm fucking this man! I've told you befo' that I would never cheat on you or do anything to hurt you! Why the fuck do you keep making me feel bad"? I asked as a single tear fell down my face.

"Bye". He said nonchalantly.

I surrendered and grabbed my stuff. I didn't even feel like arguing. That's all he did was stress me out. I'm about to have a baby, I don't need this extra shit. I don't need a man to help me raise a baby.

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