A.M: 24

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Dra'Quan Marcel
Jeralds Const. Co.

"Mr. Marcel, you alright?"

I nodded my head making my way to the forklift. I hopped inside getting ready to start it up. Right before I pressed the gas, I jumped seeing Kiana standing in front of it.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled as I turned the machine off. I hopped out the forklift and walked around to her. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I didn't get a call or an text this morning. Just tryna see what you doing that's so important." She asked folding her arms.

I made a face, "I'm at fucking work. And you don't need to worry about getting shit from me anymore. I'm done with yo ass as of yesterday. That shit you pulled was just childish."

"You done with me? No the fuck you not." She raised her brows.

"Yes the fuck I am." I mocked her.

"No you not!" She yelled gaining the attention from my co workers. I tried to play it off by waving and smiling.

"Get yo ass over here." I said as I grabbed her by her arm. I walked to a more secluded spot and gave her a glare. "Yes I am. Now leave my fucking job Kiana."

She looked at me for a while before she tried to kiss me. I moved my face and pushed her back a bit.

"You can't leave me, I'm pregnant."

"No you not." I scoffed.

She smirked, "I will be, just take these off—"

She cut herself off grabbing ahold of my pants. She tried to take them off but I pushed her away from me.

"Man stop!" I yelled making her look up at me weirdly.

"Dra'Quan David Marcel you are not breaking up with me." She said making me ignore her. I was done with this child, I should've never messed with her in the first place.

I began walking away from her, but she grabbed my arm. I turned around and looked at her.

"Dra'Quan, you are not leaving me. Lets just talk—"

"I'm done talking to you. Now like I said once before, leave my job. You fucking embarrassing."

I snatched my arm and walked away from her.

"Dra'Quan! Dra'Quan come back here!"

I flicked her off getting back to work.

After Work.

I pulled up at home parking my car. I was sweaty and needed a shower bad. I got out of the car making my way to the front door. I unlocked it and went straight in.

"Kobe!" I yelled shooting my keys in the bowl on the table. I lifted my arms up stretching and made my way to my bedroom. I opened the door and stopped dead in my tracks.

"Kiana what the fuck?" I asked as she slept in my bed. I walked over to her shaking her lightly.

"How was work baby?" She smiled, and that's when I knew this girl was crazy as fuck. A damn pysco.

"I'm not yo baby, get the fuck out of my house." I said making her sit up.

"I made you some food, it's in the microwave. I bought some juice because soda isn't really good for you." She said grabbing my face.

I swatted her hands, "Are you fucking deaf? I just said leave."

She giggled, "I heard you, but I don't give a fuck. You not leaving me, okay? So go ahead and heat up your food. Take a shower, and chill."

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