A.M: 21

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3 weeks later.

Dra'Quan Marcel
Jeralds Const. Co.

I continued picking up the rest of the wood tossing it in the barrel. I wiped my hand on my forehead feeling the sweat. I lifted my arms over my head taking a deep breath. I wiped my face with my shirt before pushing the barrel over to the pile of wood.

"Draco, you still here? I thought you would've been left." Marcus asked walking up to me.

"Yeah." I nodded, "I just decided to put in a lil overtime and help y'all out."

"Bet, that's cool." Marcus said giving me dap.

The real reason was to distract myself. It's been three whole weeks and nobody heard from Kiana. I've looked high and low for her and still no sign. I've sent her multiple texts, but still no response. I can honestly say I'm worried about her.

"Yo, Draco! Boss said meet him by the forklift!" Jeremiah said making me nod.

I dropped the blocks of wood in the pile and took my gloves off. I was honestly tired as hell, but I'd do anything to keep from going home. It's boring without Kiana there to bully me. All I do is lay around and watch soap operas. I feel like a bitch, waiting on new episodes of The Games People Play every week.

I met my boss Jerald by the forklift seeing him holding his clipboard.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked feeling a bit dizzy. I had to lean against the forklift to keep my balance up. It had to be this heat, it's killing me.

"Yes son, I've been worried about you lately. Is everything okay at home?"

He sounds like my fucking teacher when I fall asleep in class.

I nodded, "I'm good, just been feeling down lately."

"Wanna talk about it? You and Kirk my best workers. If y'all off the whole set off." He said and I chuckled.

"It's my girlfriend, she just been distant." I told honestly. "I just ain't been well since I haven't seen her."

"Well how long has it been?"

"Three weeks." I responded and he shook his head.

"Maybe she broke things off." He said and I shrugged.

"Maybe, but it doesn't feel like it. No one can get in contact with her, not even her best friends sir. I can't help but feel worried." I said watching the blurriness cloud my vision.

"You alright?" He asked grabbing my wrist. "You look a little pale."

I nodded, "It's just the heat—"

Then everything went black.

Tonya Miller

I laid in my bed holding Tyree in my arms. I played in his soft curly hair as I stared at the wall. Stress was killing me right now. First I couldn't get in Kiana. Then, the dude who I usually get my drugs from got busted.

Everything is going downhill.

I shifted my eyes to Tyree once I heard him left out a soft snore. I let a smile form upon my face as I held his little finger. I was all this little boy has. My father doesn't know that I know he's sick. I heard him and my aunt on the phone talking about it.

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