A.M: 16

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Kiana Brown
A week later

I woke up and looked around my room. I checked the time and it read, 7:41am. I yawned, rolled over on my stomach pulling the covers over my head. I had to go to school, but today I felt a little under the weather. I heard my phone vibrate, so I reluctantly grabbed it.

Good morning 🌝

I plastered a smile on my face and quickly responded.


I sat my phone on the pillow and pulled the covers over my head. I sniffled, feeling my nose run. My allergies wanted to act up on me today. I sighed snuggling up on Tinker. She seemed fine, not a single cough or sneeze.

My phone vibrated again, before I could answer it Keegan barged in my room.

"Kiana, aye, get up." He shook me heavily.

"Keegan." I pouted pulling the covers off my head. "I don't feel as good this morning. Can I just stay home?"

He laughed, "Fuck no. You got ten minutes to get up and get dressed."

"Please!" I begged making him glare at me.

"Don't fuck with me. Now get yo lazy ass up. Talking bout you don't feel good." He mumbled the last part leaving my room.

I huffed pulling the covers off of myself. I grabbed my phone and quickly read Draco message.

Draco 🔫
That was dry but...

I smiled and sent a quick 'sorry'. I opened my bathroom door and went straight to the shower. Just as I turned it on, my phone began ringing.

Draco🔫 wants to FaceTime you...

I answered the phone making sure I locked the bathroom door. I sat on the counter and waited for his face to pop up. When it did, I instantly started smiling.

"What's the problem son?" He asked making me laugh.

"I just don't feel as well this morning. Keegan is making me go to school." I pouted.

"That's good, I don't want you missing school. You gotta grow up and make you some money."

I smiled, "I know, but can I come over your house? Just for today. I promise I won't skip school again."

"Kiana I don't—"

"Bae please?" I begged with hopeful eyes.

"Aight." He gave in, "But you only get one chance. This ain't gon' be an everyday thing. You need to think about your future."

"I am, because you give me a reason to get up everyday."

He smiled, "The feeling is mutual."

"Alright let me take a shower, I'll see you in about fifteen minutes or so." I hopped off the counter.

"Bet." He said before hanging up.

I stripped from my clothes and hopped in the shower. I hummed lowly before grabbing my wash cloth.

An hour later.

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