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Eleven years later...

Kiana Brown
Location; Balch Springs, TX
Date&Time; May 26, 3:43pm

"Get it girl! I knew you was that bitch"!

I laughed at my best friend Tonya as I twerked. My booty was hitting too. I had lost alot of weight since last year. I was feeling myself a lil more. Plus, I've always had the looks.

"Girl stop hyping me up". I laughed sticking my tongue out.

"Bitch hush, yo ugly ass was killing it". Tonya teased.

I smacked her arm as we walked down the street. Last week school ended. So, we were on summer break. I was happy, cause I finally got to wear my booty shorts. I was thicker than ever this year too.

I looked down at my attire smiling. My bra type shirt and booty shorts were looking good. I had on flip flops to match my top followed by a cherry lollipop in my mouth. On my block, we were labeled the ghetto girls. I ain't give a fuck, bitch I'm me.

"Ooh" Tonya gasped, "look at Montay fine ass headed our way".

I looked up seeing Montay, my crush coming towards us. I licked my lips, savoring the sweet taste of my lollipop. I stared intensely as Montay walked over to us.

"Sup Tonya, Kiana". He licked his lips.

"Hey". Tonya drooled.

"Wassup". I smirked sucking my lollipop.

"Y'all coming to my party this Friday night? It's gon be packed as fuck". He asked staring at me.


"It depends" I cut Tonya off, "You gon have alcohol"?

He nodded, "Ya know dat' shit Ki".

I smirked, "Yea' Tay. I'll see ya ass soon".

He looked me up and down before nodding, "Bet". With that being said, he walked away. I bit the end of my long stiletto nail. I swear I would do some thangs' to that boy. He can't handle all this anyway.

"Let's go to my house. Yo mama be trippin'. My Dad at home still tho'." Tonya popped her bubble gum.


We walked down the road, crossing the street. We made it to Tonya house finding her drunk uncle passed out by beer bottles in the yard. I laughed loudly making Ton' do the same.

"Uncle Mike always drunk". I snickered.

"Always". Tonya agreed.

We walked onto her porch taking a seat. This was an everyday thing. We'd sit on her porch and crack on hoes in the neighborhood. We stayed in the projects, so shit was bound to go down. Thats the only excitement about the ghetto.

"Ton, you know I have to go to work. Now get in this house and watch Tyree"! Her father yelled at her.

She smacked her gum and rolled her eyes. I stood up, following her into her house.

"Hi Mr. Miller". I dragged seductively.

He shook his head, "Hi Kiana, bye Kiana".

He left slamming the door shut. I rolled my eyes, he too fine to have that kinda 'tude.

"Ree! Wea' ya' at"? Tonya hollered as I plopped down on the sofa.

There was a bunch of noises before Tyree ran in the room. He was holding a toy car and sucking on his pacifier. I grinned before turning my attention to him.

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