A.M: 3

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Disclaimer: The following  presents explicit content. I did not write this to offend anyone or anything. This is a story my friend shared with me and gave me permission to write. If this offends you, please let me know and we can talk in private. Thanks in advance.

Kiana Brown
May 28, Friday

"Kiana! Hurry the hell up before I change my mind"!

"I'm coming"! I yelled back irritated.

I stood in the mirror taking pictures. I was just now on my way to Montay party. I'm surprised my mama actually let me go. I guess she was feeling bad about the other day. I don't care, shit, no questions asked!

I took one last picture posting it on the gram. After, I slid my phone in my pocket

"Ma, is Ton' hea yet"? I asked coming around the corner.

She nodded, "Gon' head, and don't be out all night. You know what time my door locks".

"Yes ma'am, I love you. See you later".

I ran out the house closing the door behind me. I made my way towards Tonya and Rashad who were standing by the mailboxes.

"My bitch looking good"! I yelled as I stared at Tonya.

"My bitch looking good"! I yelled as I stared at Tonya

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"Ain't it". Rashad licked his lips.

Tonya smiled at him and he smirked. I hope these two aren't dating. I do want them to, but at the same time I don't. I don't wanna feel like the third wheel. Plus, that's gonna mess our bond up.

"Enough of that, let's go we already late". I said grabbing both their hands.

"You know Juicy at that party right"? Tonya asked making me shrug.

"She know not to start shit".

Rashad squeezed my hand and laughed. I smiled at him and laid my head on his arm.

"Why are we holding hands? So Kiana, let his hand go".

Tonya let my hand go and rolled her eyes. The situation wasn't that deep. I told her that I don't think of Rashad that way. Tonya is my bestie, I don't know why she acting salty.

"Nah, it's dark outside and all we have is each other. I don't know what your prob' is, but solve it. Now grab my hand". I stuck my hand out.

She glared at me before walking ahead of us. Rashad shook his head.

"She know we ain't got nun going on, I don't know why she trippin' ".

"I don't have time for people and their insecurities". I sighed.

He laughed, "I love you".

"I love you too". I chuckled.

After walking for a while, we made it to the party. The house was packed as usual. I smiled widely running in the house behind Tonya.

"It's lit as fuck"! I yelled excitedly.

"Righteously". Rashad nodded.

"Ton' " I turned to her, "Let's go to the kitchen and get sum alcohol".

She rolled her eyes, "how about you and Rashad go".

Then she walked away from us quickly. He ran after her leaving me all alone. I knew the people at the party, it's just I felt lonely now. I kept my cool though, I'm tryna have a good night. So, I sashayed my way into the kitchen.

"Wassup Kiki".

I waved at the person and poured a cup of pineapple Ciroc. I gulped it pouring a glass of Hennessy now. I'm not an alcoholic, but I do tend to get wild with my liquor. After I finished, I poured a shot of Patron. I was tryna get buzzed.

"Damn Ki, slow down". Montay said coming towards me.

I giggled, "sorry, I'm good tho'. I know how to handle my liquor".

"Aye, let's go upstairs to my room. I wanna talk to you". He smirked.

"For? Why can't we just talk down here"? I questioned.

"The music too loud, and it's personal".

I nodded grabbing my cup off the counter. He grabbed my hand leading me up to his room. He closed and locked the door, as I sat on his bed.

"So wassup"? I asked taking a lollipop out of my pocket.

He laughed, "you love them cherry blow pops".

"I know" I laughed, "I can't help it".

I opened it sticking it in my mouth. He grinned at me, making me smile.

"To be honest Kiana, I've been feeling you since we were smaller". He licked his lips.

First of all, that's a lie. I was a fat lil fucker and everyone knew it. Didn't nobody wanna talk to Kiana Brown. I only had one friend and that was Tonya. Then a year after that, we became friends with Rashad.

"Cool, but whatever Montay". I sighed.

"What? You'on believe me"? He asked.

"I mean, you probably tell this story to all these other hoes too. Like if you want me, keep it real wit' me". I shrugged.

He nodded, "I do want you. I wanna be with you. So what you wanna do"?

"Montay, you got hella hoes, don't play wit' me".

He chuckled, "I'll drop all they asses for you. I'm dead serious ma".

I stood up getting ready to go back downstairs. I didn't have time for this. He was just gon' play me. I've never had a real relationship, cause my brother taught me better. I don't trust nothing these niggas say.

"Wait" he grabbed my arm, "I'm sorry".

I rolled my eyes,"fine".

He grabbed my face and started kissing me. This was actually my first kiss. Some might be surprised, but I don't blame you. I hesitantly kissed him back as he held onto my ass. He backed me up against the bed and tugged at my pants.

I pulled away, "stop. I ain't ready for all that yet".

He shrugged, "I got you calm down".

He pulled my shirt off making me push him.

"I said stop Tay"! I yelled angrily.

He punched me in the mouth slamming me on the bed.

"No, please stop"! I cried as he ripped my panties off.

"Shh, it's not gonna hurt".

I tried kicking him off me, but he punched me in the face making me sob. He shoved himself inside of me making me scream. He smacked my face making me shake. I couldn't move or anything, I just laid there cryin'.

After he was done, he got up off me. I silently cried as he got dressed. I stood up hurriedly putting my clothes on. He grabbed my arm, but I quickly slapped his face.

I opened the door and ran out of the room. I ran down the steps as everyone stared at me.


I heard someone yell, I didn't care though. I kept running in full speed. By now, I was down the street running home. I didn't have on any shoes, or nothing. I was so scared and shocked.

I picked up my pace as I heard someone yell. I made it to our apartment and ran inside. My mother was sittin' on the couch smoking. She yelled my name as I ran in my room closing the door. I got in my bed grabbing Tinker.

"Kiana! Aye, Kiana open this damn door"! My mama banged on it.

I couldn't move though, the only thing I could do was cry. The banging continued on and on. I couldn't find any words to say either. The only thing that I could do, was straight up cry. 

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