Chapter 1: Here Come The Boys

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Mikayla's POV

I automatically pulled the bed covers over my head and groaned aloud once my step-mom, Marissa had entered and pulled the curtains open. I tried my best to ignore the irritating sunlights shining through the window and continue with my sleep.

"Come on Mikayla, it's 10am. You should be awake, go out with friends, go shopping with me, i'll buy you something nice..." She spoke, leaving space at the end for me to reply.

"Yeah, i'd rather not" I mumbled into my pillow and Marissa just sighed and left the room.

"It's been two whole months John, and she still doesn't like me!" I heard her call out to my Dad.

I mean, it's not the fact that I don't like her because she actually isn't an evil step-mom, it's just the fact that I never thought anyone would ever be in replacement of my Mom. It's been more than a year since she died and I sometimes seem to be the only one who still gives a shit about her to this day. I always will, and no stranger can just come along and change that.

Constant knocking and banging on my bedroom door broke my reverie. One side of me was ready to jump up and punch whoever was trying to disturb my sleep, but the other side was laughing at my dilemma because in reality, I'm just too lazy.

"WAKE UP LAZY PIG!". Ugh. The ultimate negative point to my Dad marrying Marissa is that she came with a package deal. I unfortunately gained a new brother, as if having one wasn't enough. I ripped the covers away from my body and practically leaped out of bed to then hasitly open the door.

"What the fuck is your problem, Cameron?!". Yes, Cameron Dallas. As in social media star, Vine famous, blah-blah-blah. He may be sweet to his fans and hilarious with his friends, but at home he's just like any other annoying and idiotic big brother.

"Dad! Mikayla just swore!". My biological, 14 year old and also annoying brother, Sam announced as he walked past my room and high fived Cameron. The positive point of Cameron being here only affects Sam because he now has someone to plot plans with and get me into trouble.

"Mikayla, what did I tell you about cursing?!" Dad said at the bottom of the stairs, though I was about to respond until I realised that every time I do, I'm literally just wasting my breathe.

Cameron still stood before me with a smirk, his arms folded and legs spread a little apart. "Where were you last night?". Shit. I scratched the back of my head and stood up straight, aiming to not clearly give away the fact that I snuck out to hang with my boyfriend at 10pm, even though my Dad and Marissa specifically yelled at me and told me that it was an absolute no.

"I-I was right bed-I was asleep,". This was the second time that I had snuck out, the first time I got caught and was grounded for what felt like eternity and I am not going through that again. He stared straight into my eyes, probably trying to see if I was lying. But to be honest, I'm wasn't that scared of getting caught because I've got something on him too that will most likely get him into complete shit.

"Okay. 1, I don't believe you. 2, well of course I don't because I saw him pick you up through the window, so next time I suggest you go back to meeting him around the corner. And 3, I'm not going to tell because I'm more mature than that and...I know that you know what I did last week so we're even," He held his hand out and I shook it, sealing the deal firmly.

"Aw, how cute. You two getting along" Marissa said once she reached the top of the stairs but that comment completely changed my mood into disgust, so I turned back around into my room and shut the door.

I was checking my phone for any messages that I got over night, stalking accounts on Twitter, and watching my mentions continue to blow up with questions and tweets from Cameron's fans. Some were saying how lucky I am to be his step-sister, some saying that I should start vining or making Youtube videos, but then others just came out with things like "You're using him...stop being so ungrateful because you should be glad to be his sister" and other rubbish like that. None of the hate really gets to me because I don't care about things that aren't true.

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