Chapter 11: "You're an Idiot,"

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"Dad, please" I begged while following behind him downstairs and into the kitchen, where Marissa was cooking.


"Please," I begged again and refused to leave his side wherever he moved to, until he finally settled on one of the island chairs.

"No Mikayla, and that is no for every other way you try to change my mind" He firmly said.

Today's the day that Cameron and the guys' manager is supposed to book the tickets for the Miami Magcon event and convincing my Dad to let me go last minute isn't going as well as I planned. I mean, I will probably be the only girl except for a girl called Mahogany who I've heard lots about but it's a week off school, how could i miss this opportunity?

"Marissa, help me out here" I gestured to her as she chopped tomatoes on the chopping board.

"John, come on. She deserves a break from school, it'll be healthy for her".

"You see? My health will be better and plus how come Sam gets to go and i don't?" I wondered.

"You can barely look after yourself Mikayla. For one, you managed to trip over and cause a huge bruise on your face,". Yeah, I never told them that it was actually Luke who punched me and I never think I'll ever have to. He's out of the picture so there's honestly no point. "'ll probably think it's okay for yourself to go drink unsupervised and lastly, why do you want to go any ways? I thought you hated being around Cameron and his friends?".

'Dad, you're over reacting. I'm fine, I'm going to be around 11 guys who'll will protect me from any trouble, Nash's dad is going to be there and also it's a free trip to Miami for a week, of course I want to go regardless of Cameron and his friends. And i swear when I come back I will be back to focusing on my school work" I argued back.

"And you promise to keep out of trouble? No more new rebellious boyfriends or I dont know, getting pregnant?" He assured.

Marissa shook her head. "John,"

"Yes Dad".

"And i'm trusting Cameron to look after you and you to look after Sam ok".

"So does that mean i can go?" I began smiling.

"Ad i'll call every night to make sure you're all okay" He annoyingly continued. 

"So can i go?" I smiled even harder.

He sighed. "Yes, you can go".

"Oh my gosh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squealed and hugged him extremely tight.

"Don't worry, i'll make sure he doesn't call every single night" Marissa whispered to me.

"Thanks," I laughed. I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket and speed dialled Lexi's number.

"Hey Lex. Guess who's going to Miami for a week?!" I began before leaving the kitchen for my room.


After I got off a four hour phone call with Lexi, I hurried downstairs to go to the kitchen and get something to eat but paused when I overheard my name from the garden, where 5/9 of the guys were.

"So they were arguing last night?" I hear Carter speak.

"Yeah, Matt and Mikayla" Jack J answered.

"That isn't really a surprise though, is it?" Nash said and I completely agreed.

"Obviously, but only because they're both madly in love" Jack G said. Ew no way.

Skinny Love? (Matt Espinosa Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin