Chapter 7: I Was Drunk...

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QUICK A/N: I love Luke Brooks so much so putting him as the character Luke was so hard lol. But I just thought I'd tell you guys that in real life, I'm obsessed with the Janoskians. I don't hate them ahaha.

Mikayla's POV

My eyes opened at the sound of the alarm on my phone. I picked it up off my bedside table and squinted at the time that read 6:30am. I tapped off and looked down at what I wearing, realising that I'm just in my underwear, covered by my white robe. I stared behind my shoulder to see Matt lying on my bed, fast asleep with his hands cupped under his head. I got up with an extremely pounding headache and could only remember very little of what happened yesterday. But with the bits I did remember, I started to mentally curse at myself.  

Matt eventually woke up from my movement and yawned. "Hey..." He spoke in a groggy, in some way hot, morning voice and rubbed his eyes.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked, standing beside the bed and catching small glimpses of last night.

"I just thought-" He began.

"Well, I'm fine now so..." I opened the door, gesturing for him to leave.

"So, yesterday was-".

"What do you want, Matt? A kiss goodbye? I was drunk okay...I didn't know what I was doing" I explained.

"Mikayla, you can't be serious..." He spoke, getting up off the bed.

"Just leave me alone and get out," Quite harshly, I told him, still trying to process the fact that I called Matt of all people yesterday.

"Fine..." Matt grabbed his hoodie and quickly walked past me out of the door. He started hurrying downstairs and I trailed behind him too, securing my robe around me tightly.

"Hey dude, I didn't-" Cameron tried saying to Matt, who immediately walked out the door, while him and Sam were in the kitchen eating breakfast. "What's his problem?".

"I-I don't know" I said, pushing my hair back as I leant my elbows on the counter.

"So, he stayed the whole night hey?" Sam wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Stop! Nothing happened and nothing will happen" I reassured, pointing my finger at him.

"But how are you any ways?...after, you know?..." Cameron tried to tell me and I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Better, I guess. But I'm gonna have to face him everyday at school now," I pulled my hands down my face, rubbing my head as I sighed at the thought.

Cameron got up to place his cereal bowl in the sink and stroked my back on the way. "You can stay home today if you like, hang out with Nash, Taylor and I to take your mind off things" He suggested.

"No, that's sweet. But it's okay. I've got a lot of work to catch up on any ways" I said. "I'm gonna go upstairs and get ready now...uh, make me pancakes?" I pouted to him.

"Pssh, no way," He smirked, completely leaving behind his generous gesture just a second ago. "I've got better things to do, eat cereal like us".

"C'mon Cam, I'm heartbroken remember?" I once again pouted and begged while holding my hands together.

"...ugh, fine" He rolled his eyes and I gave him a cheesy smile before running upstairs.

I tried my best to cover up the bruise with as much make up as I can and wore blue ripped boyfriend jeans with my white converse, a white baggy v neck and a red and black flannel. Lexi came over early this morning. I told her what happened from leaving the house, to Luke and I arguing then to waking up beside Matt. I cried. She cried because she saw me cry. And we promised to never let ourselves get involved with "bad" boys ever again, no matter how much they say they adore you or how hot they are. 

Here it goes. I said to myself as Lexi, Sam and I got out of my car and I breathed out heavily. I locked the car and we began walking down the car park, seeing a few eyes staring at me. Probably staring at how I obviously tried covering up a bruise and because some of them were at the gig last night. Lexi put her arm around me and rubbed my shoulder since she could tell how uncomfortable I was.

Up ahead, I noticed a group of guys standing by the doors to enter the school. Luke and his friends. Talking, laughing, messing around. I began wishing that there was some other way that I could get to my locker, without going through him. The closer we came, the more Luke noticed me and I kept my head down to avoid eye contact. 

"Dude, look there's Mikayla," Luke's friend, James spoke, showing that he probably didn't even tell them what happened.

"Hey Mikayla!" His other friend, Daniel waved when we reached the steps. I vaguely smiled back with my head still down. "Woah, how did you get that bruise?" He asked.

"I, erm, tripped over" I stared up at Luke, who had a completely guilty facial expression. I could suddenly feel my throat begin to clog up when I looked at his fist and could picture the scene all over again.

"Come on," Lexi gestured and we opened the doors to get inside.

"I've gotta get to home room so i'll see you guys later" Sam spoke and walked away. Once he left, I jogged down the hallway to the bathroom with Lexi starting to call out my name, trying to catch up behind me, as more and more people began staring. At this point, I could barely breathe. I pushed the door open, dropped my bag and paced around the empty room, breathing in and out while running my hands through my hair. 

"Mikayla, are you okay?" Lexi asked, standing near me. I leant against the sink and looked at myself in the mirror, feeling my throat begin to open up again and my heart rate slow down.

"Yeah, I think so. I-I just dont know how i'm gonna cope with seeing him everywhere I go,".

"I know it's hard but you've got to forget about him. Don't let him get to you and stop you from moving on" She advised. I nodded my head and smiled at her then picked my bag back up to go to home room.


The last period. Finally. I was currently in my Math class, the only perk of this class is that Lexi's here beside me and the downside is that Luke is also here.

"Can someone tell me the answer to the question on the board?" Miss Jenkins spoke although I doubt anyone was really listening since Lexi and I were on our phones, that we kept hid under the table.

I raised my hand up. "Yes, Mikayla" Miss Jenkins happily said.

"Can I go to the bathroom please?" I asked, seeing her face change probably because she thought I would answer the question.

She sighed. "Yes, go ahead".

I began walking down the school corridors when I heard footsteps behind me, and turned around to realise Luke jogging this way but I turned back and started walking faster.

"Mikayla!" He called out and before I knew it, he was walking beside me.

"Get away from me or I swear, I'll scream" I said to him.

"I just want to talk to you," Luke argued, continuing to walk as fast as I was. I completely ignored him and finally reached the bathroom door until I was suddenly pulled back by my arm, spun around and pushed against the wall. "Please..." He whispered, bringing his face closer.

"No, let me go now" I demanded and couldn't move since his arms were against the wall on either side of me. 

He licked his lips. "I'm not gonna have you looking at me for the rest of high school like I'm some type of monster Mik," He came closer and suddenly kissed my jawline softly. "You know that you still love me,".

I gulped at the way he spoke against me but closed my eyes and ended up shivering in digust. Luke bought his head back up and stared directly at me, moving strands of my hair away from my face. I quietly chuckled at how he thought he could just get me alone, apologise once and everything would be perfect. Leaning closer, I placed my hand on his shoulder to pull him down to my height slightly then whispered. "I want nothing to do with you, okay. Nothing" I barged past him, ending the closeness of our bodies and allowing myself to go to my initial destination.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! This chapter will continue on the next very soon! Please comment your thoughts on the story so far, ily!xoxo

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