Chapter 1 - The one with the meetings

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"Mum! Iris and I are going, alright?"

"Already? But you didn't even have breakfast."

"We promised Milla we'd go with her." Dorcas responded, as she walked into the dining room where all her family was sitting together, eating. She messed with Quill's hair jokingly and Elsa giggled.

"Oh, alright." Crisanta nodded. "But be careful. Both of you."

"You've got it, Cris." Iris smiled at the woman who giggled slightly. "Bye, guys. We'll be back for dinner."

She waved at the Meadowes and picked up the hoodie she had placed at the hanger. Dorcas turned to leave toward the living room but his father's voice stopped her.

"Where's my kiss?" He asked. His tone was playful, but it was clear he was quite worried as well. Iris had heard him and his wife talking a few days ago. They thought Dorcas was acting weird. Pulling away. And she was. And Iris knew why. She felt sick not telling them why, but it wasn't her place to do so. So she kept it quiet.

"Oh, yeah." The oldest kid of the family let out a nervous laugh. She walked toward her parents. "Sorry."

Emory and Crisanta accepted the kiss, but Iris noticed their exchange of glances. She bit her lip. Dorcas smiled at them and walked back to Iris, pulling her to the living room by the wrist. Without a word, she stopped in front of the fireplace. She picked up a small pot and turned to Iris.

"It's Floo powder." She said. "I take it you never used it?"

Iris shook her head.

"Well, it's quite simple and harmless. You might feel a bit dizzy, though, since it's your first time, but Milla's probably already waiting for us."

"Alright." The red head nodded. "What do I do, then?"

"Step in." Dorcas pointed the fireplace. Without a question, Iris did. "Good. Now, take a good hand of this and say Milla's address loud and clear as you throw the powder at your feet. You remember it, don't you?"

"Yeah." Iris nodded, as she dived her hand in the pot Dorcas was holding out toward her. "That's enough?"

"Yeah, that's good. Now, '56, Witney Street, Yorkshire' and throw the powder."

Iris took a deep breath.

"56, Witney Street, Yorkshire!" She threw the powder down and suddenly, green flames erupted at her feet. She wanted to scream, but stopped herself before she could.

Iris felt as if walls were tightening around her and for a second, she forgot how to breathe. She closed her eyes and suddenly felt her body fall forward. She was sure she was about to hit hard the ground, but instead, she was met by a pair of arms, holding her up.

"Easy... Easy, Irie... It's alright. You okay?"

Iris knew she recognized the voice, but couldn't think straight to know whose it was. She heard her name being called once more, but ignored it.

"I want to vomit." She mumbled.

"Oh, alright. Let's get you to the bathroom."

She felt herself being pulled up to her feet and urged forward. She closed her eyes once more, trying to breathe normally. She felt her knees hitting a hard, cold surface and a breeze hitting her hair.

"There. Do what you must."

And in that moment, she leaned forward, throwing up all the contents of her stomach from last night's dinner. She could hear faint voices outside, but she was far too dizzy to care.

The one with the sisters - Year Six [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now