Every Monday and Wednesday afternoon now was filled for every Phoenix Class' (or as they called it, PC's) member. Every week was the same. On Monday, Dumbledore would teach them something new. Sometimes a spell, a jinx, a potion... And one Wednesday he would leave them to train.
Of course, since every member was at least fifteen, sometimes they would procrastinate together, but it wasn't common. Most Wednesdays were spent throwing spells and jinxes around.
And that day wasn't any different. They were training Reducto, trying to reduce a dummy to ashes with a flick of their wrist, but some people were having some difficulty. That wasn't the case of Lily and Iris Evans. After managing to use Reducto perfectly twice each, they were sitting by the shelf of the books, doing some reading as they waited for the others to get the spell right.
"What do you reckon Professor Dumbledore will teach is next?" Lily asked as she watched her sister's eyes shining over a book of unknown charms.
"I don't know." She answered. "But I do hope it's one of those. Look."
And as soon as she turned to book to Lily, there was a familiar click around the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to face the door. They looked around, trying to remember if there was someone missing, but once they realized all CP's members were there, they started to worry.
The Phoenix Class was a secret. The room of requirement itself was a secret. But what if someone had figured it out? It was unlikely, but still, Iris only managed to breathe normally again once she saw who was outside the door.
"Well, hello." Professor Dumbledore greeted happily and chuckled as he noticed how tense his students were seconds before. "You don't have to worry. This is one of the best kept secrets of this school. And that's saying something."
Everyone chuckled a bit.
"And how's Reducto doing?" He asked, placing his hands behind his back, analyzing the kids around him with genuine interest.
"We're doing alright, I guess." Helen shrugged.
"The Evans sisters already managed the spell, as usual." Camilla rolled her eyes and Iris giggled.
Dumbledore nodded toward the two girls.
"Very good." He praised. "But that's not why I came."
"Why did you, then, Professor?" Francis, a Fifth Year Ravenclaw, asked.
"I want to introduce someone else to the group." He said, turning around and extending a hand toward a small girl behind him. "Miss Pond?"
Iris smiled. She watched the Slytherin girl walking toward Dumbledore with her head held high, but not in a cocky way. It was as if she was challenging anyone to say anything about her. Her brown hair was falling right above her shoulders and she smiled gently at Iris.
"Guys... This is Jessica Pond." Dumbledore introduced and Jessie flinched as he used her full name. "I take you know some of them, Jessie?"
"I do." She nodded politely and he did the same.
"Good. Then I'll leave you all. Have some issues that I need to take care of."
And with that, the old Professor was already out the door. As soon as he closed the heavy door, the silence was broken.
"She's a Slytherin." James noted.
"Yeah." Iris nodded, walking toward Jessie.
"She shouldn't be here." Darling, another Ravenclaw, said.
"Why not?" Camilla frowned, already growing defensive.
"Well... She's a Slytherin." She repeated James' words.
"Not all Slytherins are bad, guys, please..." Iris rolled her eyes. "Get over it."
Jessie looked at Iris and the red haired girl gave her a reassuring smile. The younger girl gulped nervously but relaxed as she felt Camilla's hand resting over her shoulder.
"I'm not sure we can trust her, though."
It was James speaking again and Iris had to fight the urge to huff too loudly.
"She's nice and way more trustworthy than some other people I once considered my friends..." She said and both, Camilla and Dorcas, flinched as they remembered how Bambi hadn't talked to them for so long and was often spotted walking with some bad Slytherins, including her own little brother she once swore she despised. "If you only give her a chance..."
"Don't waste your time, Irie." Jessie's low yet strong voice interrupted her speech. "They don't give chances to Slytherins like me. Isn't it what they did to Severus Snape?"
Lily frowned as Jessie glared at the four boys, as usual, standing by each other. Iris opened her mouth to speak. Everyone else took a step back instead, James let out a dry laugh.
"And look at that... We were right, after all." He said. "You Slytherins are worth shit."
"James!" Iris growled but the boy ignored.
"You don't have the right, James!" Camilla spoke up. During the last year, after she herself learned to put her prejudice aside, she had grown attached to Jessie, treating her like a little sister she never had. And in return, the Slytherin looked up at her like the older sister she had always wanted. "You don't know her."
"I don't need to." He responded and before Camilla could speak up again, he rolled his eyes. "And I'm not the only one who thinks like this. I'm just the only brave enough to say it out loud."
Around them, there was a low murmur of agreement. Iris looked over at Lily and the girl looked away. After Severus, she had dropped the 'seeing the best on people' attitude. Iris sighed.
"Oh, fine... If I'm so unwelcomed, I'll leave!" Jessie yelled, throwing her hands up and turning to leave.
"Let's Obliviate her!" Someone yelled.
Iris' eyes widened.
"Yeah, she knows how to get in and who's present." Darling said. "She can't have this type of information."
Jessie let out a surprised breathe. Obliviating was dangerous and not a single soul in that room would be able to do it without worse consequences. Still, Francis pulled out his wand and walked toward Jessie. Before Iris could even react, Camilla placed herself in front of him.
"Que estás pensando?" She yelled. "Put it down!"
"You're all bloody mad." Iris rolled her eyes. "You're doing exactly what You-Know-Who is doing. Separating people because of some stupid label."
"We're not..."
"Of course you are, James! Don't be stupid!" She yelled and the boy flinched. His whole cocky mannerisms fading under the girl's stare. "But while he's doing it because of blood, you're doing it because of Houses. Honestly... I don't know who is the stupidest one out of all of you." She said, now, sending a judgmental glare all throughout the room. "Jessie's staying. And if you can't handle it, you might as well leave."
She walked back toward Jessie and she and Camilla smiled at her. Iris picked up a dummy and placed it front of Jessie, ready to teach her everything she had lost. When she noticed all the eyes on her, Iris huffed.
"You all know how to find the door."

The one with the sisters - Year Six [COMPLETED]
FanfictionLily and Iris Evans thought they were normal girls. Granted, they were quite... Different, but still normal. One letter might change it all. One letter might be the beggining of their new life. One letter might be the reason why their biggest advent...