Chapter 19 - the one with the winning and losing

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No one actually thought that was going to happen. After that first game – the one with Marshall as Captain and the poorly put together team he had – no one actually thought Hufflepuff would some much as pass to the semi-finals. Yet, with Iris' guidance and her incredible stamina during every practice, there they were... In the Final, playing against Slytherin.

"And Swoden scores another goal!" The narrator cheers as Helen smirks at the Slytherin Keeper. "We are now up to 60 to 20, guys! Go, Puffs!"

Iris chuckled as she saw Daniel cheering loudly by his place in front of the posts and then searched the Pitch for the Snitch. To win the Cup, she needed 50 points more than Slytherin. One more goal, and she'd be good to go.

"Girls! One more!" Helen yelled out, as Quill and Humble nodded beside her.

Iris took her eyes off the Snitch and placed them on Mullciber, the Slytherin Seeker. He was flying close to her, with a murderous look in his eyes. Iris knew his plan. He paid attention to her every move. He couldn't find the Snitch by himself. He was too brute to do such a refined thing. So what he did was, he kept close to the other Seeker, and when they sprang into action, so did he. He was a good flyer, so, sometimes, he managed to get to the Snitch before his opponent.

But not today. One more goal and Iris was free. She could feel the excitement buzzing in her muscles. She felt as if her whole body was shaking. The anticipation was building up in her stomach, begging to be set free.

"Come on, guys... Come on..." She mumbled under her breath.

She heard the crowd cheering when Dave Martin swung one of the Bludgers at one of the Slytherin's Chaser, throwing him off balance. He dropped the Quaffle and Corianne Quill was quick to recover it. Soon, Helen, Katherine Humble and her were doing one of their incredibly synchronized and well prepared attacks, flying all the way from their end of the Pitch to Slytherin's.

They were so close...

Iris felt her finger tightening at the end of her broom. They scored that goal, she flew down to the Snitch. She could see it. She could almost feel every time it moved its wings. She could feel Mullciber's glare on her back as well, but she didn't care.

"Come on, girls..."

Katherine was in front of the post. She made to throw the Quaffle, but last minute, passed it to Corianne, who, from the left, surprising the Keeper, threw it through the post, giving Iris the signal she needed.

The red headed didn't hear the narrator cheering for her team. She didn't hear Helen and Daniel yelling at her to go. She didn't hear everyone in the stands who wasn't Slytherin yelling in happiness. All her focus was on the Snitch.

She dove.

"Look at how she flies!" The narrator yelled.

Iris took sharp turns, following the Snitch as it flew away from her. Mullciber was close. Too close for her taste, but she didn't care. She needed the Snitch.

The game around them almost stopped, everyone just basically watching the two Seekers head to head, chasing something that most people couldn't even see. The Snitch was too small, too fast. But it was there. Right in front of her.

With a grunt, Iris held out a hand and as soon as she felt her fingers against the cold metal of the golden Snitch, she felt Mullciber hitting against her with far too much strength for it to be consider an accident.

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