It was that day. That day where all friends reunited after two weeks of break. Some spent them with family, some spent it at School, and some, like Iris and Lily Evans, spent at their friends' house. The Hufflepuffs had Care of Magical Creatures and History of Magic before lunch, but of course, those being the less cared for subjects, no one was really paying attention to them, deciding to, instead, catch up with their friends.
"Russell gave me a necklace." Glenda beamed as she and all the other kids from her house left the History of Magic class toward the Great Hall to finally eat.
"Who's Russell?" Beatrice asked and Glenda flicked the back of her head.
"My boyfriend." She rolled her eyes.
"Oh, the Ravenclaw?"
"Yes, the Ravenclaw."
Dorcas giggled slightly at them, before turning to Iris.
"And what did Remus give you?" She smirked, nudging her friend's side.
Iris blushed and at the mention of his name, all her dorm mates turned to face her. Veronica sighed.
"You're so lucky." She said. "Remus' hot."
"Veronica!" Leontine rolled her eyes.
"What? It's true."
"Yeah, he is quite hot." Iris agreed and the girls laughed. "And he didn't give me anything. I told him not to."
"Why would you do that? The good side of having a boyfriend is the gifts you get." Veronica frowned. Leontine laughed, as she threw an arm over her friend's shoulder.
"And now we know why you're single."
They all laughed and moved to seat at the far end of their table, so they could eat, but as usual, Dorcas excused herself to go greet Camilla and Iris did the same to Remus. As their roommates sat down, the two girls walked off in different direction: Dorcas to the Ravenclaw table and Iris to the Gryffindor.
"Hey, boys." She greeted, as she approached the Marauders.
"Hey, Iris." They smiled at her as she placed her arms around Remus' shoulder. He turned to face her.
"Hey, love."
"How were classes?" He asked, as the girl sat down beside him and snatched a French fry from his plate.
"Alright." Iris shrugged. "Nothing new. Almost slept on Professor Binns' class, though. Elf's war is so boring."
Remus chuckled as Iris dramatically placed her head on his shoulders.
"What about you?"
"Charms and Astronomy. You'll love next Charm's class, though. Flitwick is teaching us a non-verbal spell that's the equivalent to Protego."
"Oh, really?" She beamed, as she looked up at him. "That seems interesting. Professor Binns should really consider..."
"Lily? You alright?"
At the sound of Marlene's worried voice calling her sister's name, Iris stopped talking and turned around to look at her. Lily had her eyes glued to nowhere and as she rose from her seat, Iris could tell she was holding in a cry. She turned to face Iris and when their matching green eyes found each other, she let out a strangled sob, before running out the Great Hall.
"Lily!" Iris stood up. "Lily, wait! What happened?" She demanded as she ran to Mary and Marlene.
"I don't know." Mary gasped. "She was fine this morning. In classes she was laughing and chatting as usual. She was just reading the Daily Prophet and suddenly..."
Iris had already picked up the newspaper and her eyes barely scanned the page, she understood what was happening.
"It can't be..." She whispered and Mary stopped talking.
"What?" Marlene asked, trying to grab the paper from Iris' hand but she was quicker.
Iris held the paper tight in her hands and fought against the tears as she made her way toward the Professors' table. Remus watched her carefully and so did everyone else. Iris stopped right in front of Dumbledore and slammed her hand down on his table.
"Tell me it isn't true!" She demanded.
She was so numb, she wasn't even sure she was crying or not, but judging by the way her voice quivered as it reverberated around her in the Great Hall, she supposed she was.
"Miss Evans..." Professor Dumbledore spoke in his usual calm and serene voice.
"Tell me!" Iris yelled once more, and the Professor barely flinched. "Please..." She pleaded, in a small voice.
"I'm very sorry, Miss Evans. But I'm afraid I can't do that."
Iris let out a cry of pure agony and ran away from the Professor's table and out the Great Hall's door. Remus tried to stop her and so did James, Sirius, Peter, Dorcas and Camilla, but she wasn't having any of that. She needed to be alone.
No, not alone. She needed Lily.
And out she went, up to the Astronomy Tower where she was sure her sister would be. Meanwhile, Dorcas, Camilla and the Marauders exchanged a look, before they all went up to Professor Dumbledore. The white-bearded man looked down and pushed the paper to the kids. There, in colossal letters was the headline:
Muggle Couple is found dead in their house
You-Know-Who's mark reappears
Camilla gasped, and Dorcas buried her head on her girlfriend's chest. James, Sirius and Peter gulped nervously before glancing at Remus. He was shaking, the paper in his hands almost ripping itself in two.
"It's the Evans." He said. "Isn't it?"
"Yeah." Dorcas' whispered. Her voice muffled by Camilla's robes. "That's their house."
"They're dead." Camilla said, as if not believing on it herself.
"They are." James nodded. "And Voldemort's back."

The one with the sisters - Year Six [COMPLETED]
FanfictionLily and Iris Evans thought they were normal girls. Granted, they were quite... Different, but still normal. One letter might change it all. One letter might be the beggining of their new life. One letter might be the reason why their biggest advent...