Chapter 2 - Noah POV

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Hello lovelies, above I have provided an image of Noah and Lindsay, if you have suggestions on more permanent character people, like actors, singers, etc. That you think would be good as a specific character in here, I encourage you to comment them down below and I'll look at them.

Enjoy Chapter 2 :)


NOAH POV - Chapter 2

I look up from my desk to see a girl running in the classroom, trying desperately not to be late on her first day of her senior year.. Not caring about who it was, because it was probably just some weird chick, I turn back to Lindsay, my girlfriend. Ugh, will she shut up?! "And so she was like- Noah, are you listening to me?! Ugh, you totally aren't, like come on! Quit spacing out, babe, it makes you look dumber, I mean you already are but, this is worse." She grunts. I sigh, "I'm sorry, babe, I didn't get much sleep last night, my- I was on my phone and wasn't paying attention to the time and stayed up way too late." She just rolls her eyes and turns back to the other cheerleaders. Soon, I figure out that the figure who ran through the door earlier is sitting next to me. I turn to her, preparing to induce her with my charms, but soon I figure out who that figure was... My heart picks up speed, it feels like a car just hit me, as memories start to flood my brain..


"Noah, quit being so nosey! Hah, get it? Noah, nosey?!" She chuckles. "Sorry, sorry, I won't be so nosey, but will you please come climb the tree with me, Car?" I say with a hopeful tone. She rolls her eyes, putting her journal down and gets up running after me. "No, no, Car, please!" I screech as she continuously chases after me. Eventually, I find myself at the tree and manage to scramble up towards the top. Car is not that far behind me, but soon I see her lose her footing while climbing after me. "Noah! Ahh! NOAH! PLEASE!" She reaches her hand out for me, I quickly attempt to grab, and barely clasp it enough to ease her fall. I climb back down to see her trembling... "Hey Car, it's okay, shh.. Car, c'mere..." I hug her tightly as she sobs into my shoulder. "Thank you Noah, you are the best friend I need, you'll always be my number one, won't you?" "Always and forever, Carsyn, always and forever, I'll never leave your side." After that we both went our separate ways home..



My eyes are stinging, I can't help but feel a tear roll my cheek. I furiously brush it away, knowing it'll ruin everything I spent building up, like my reputation. I put on my emotionless face, and glare at her.. "Ugh, why the hell do I have to sit next to her?!" I shout at Ms. Herring. I notice her flinch at my words. Oh well, I roll my eyes. I hear a mumble which seems to be something about me going to talk to one of my "side chicks" instead. My head snaps quickly to that. "What'd you just say?!" I shout at her, she flinches and backs away, she should be scared, I mean, all she did was tear my heart out, what does she expect me to do?! Be friendly, and forget anything ever happened, like we never existed, that we are meeting for the first time?! Well, hell no, I will make her live through the hell I had to deal with because she left me! She murmurs something that sounded like "nothing." I snort at the fact that she is still trying to converse with me, and then turn back to Lindsay. I stop paying attention to class and space out, literally thinking of nothing..

Then, suddenly, I hear my name said by Ms. Herring, and look up. I figured I was in trouble, I mean, that's usually why I'm called out, so I get ready to hear what I did this time. But instead, all I hear her name being called with mine. For a split second I forget what we were doing, but soon I remember... "What!" Huh, we both must be on the same page about not working together, figuring we both said the same thing. Carsyn starts stuttering, which is so cu- what am I saying?! I have a girlfriend, for heaven's sake! Like hell she's your girlfriend, she just flirts around with guys, so you guys are practically just friends with benefits. My conscience speaks for me. My conscience continues to argue with me mentally, I sigh.

The bells rings, I get ready to sprint out the door, in order not to see her. It seems she doesn't want to see me either, as she dashes out the door before me. I roll my eyes, and begin shrugging off my backpack to get my phone. I pull my phone out to find, 9 missed calls from Mum, 2 from Dad, 12 messages from Lindsay, and 3 from her. The messages from her are from 3 years ago, I never bothered to read them because of what she did... But, I presume because of our writing project we'll both probably have to text each other, so might as well read them now...

Carsyn - 12:34 am 8/23/14: Noah, I'm sorry.I know you're hurt because of this, I know because of the way you stormed off whenever I yelled at you.. But it's for the best, trust me.

Bull shit. Sighing, I read the next message.

Carsyn - 1:02 am 8/23/14: I'm sorry for even existing in your life, Noah. You deserve so much better, you should've just stayed away from the start...

But, I couldn't, I couldn't keep my damn eyes off her. Why? I don't know. Grunting, I keep reading on.

Carsyn - 3:29 am 8/23/14: I'm as fragile as the thinnest piece of glass, but I'm as strong as the strongest nail you'll ever find. I may be bruised inside and out, but I can withstand it, so I think, But, I don't know anymore, Noah. Noah? Please? Okay, Noah, I get it, I'm just as mad at myself as you are at me, but know it was never your fault.. I guess this is goodbye, Noah. Bye.

I sigh, oh Car, how could you? What does she mean, "bruised inside out?" or that she's just as mad at herself as I am with her? Oh, well. I grunt, put on my backpack, and put my emotionless face and head to the cafeteria. Thoughts keep swarming through my head, and it's getting fucking annoying... I mean, it's her fault and her problem, not mine, she shouldn't have done something like this. I walk silently down the corridor toward the cafeteria, and realize I'm in a shitty mood because of her. Thanks a lot. Grunting, I sit down next to my GIRLFRIEND, and kiss her cheek, and start to eat.  Another regular day at school, being the popular, bad boy of the school... 

Sigh, if I could go back, I'd go back, so quickly, no doubt. I don't really have friends, I mean I have the football team and the cheerleaders, plus Lindsay... But, I can't say a personal issue or anything, because then I can't be a bad boy or whatever my supposed reputation consists of...

Carsyn was the one, the one I wanted, ever since we were 7 on that play ground whenever I kicked wood chips all over her, and she smacked me. She must've smacked some sense into me, figuring I realized what I'd done, and apologized, and that's when the beginning of our friendship took flight.


Hello, Lovelies! I hope this is better than the first chapter, figuring I made it a bit longer than the other one, this sort of gives entail on how Noah feels about everything, and his opinion on her..

Anyhow, see you guys next chapter! Have a fantastic day! :)


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