El mañana || title says it all

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Hello my lil robots, berrybot here and I wanted to tell you this is depressing as hell and there is some drug use so if your sensitive please skip this chapter luv ya
Your p.o.v
It's been 2 years....2 years since I saw her......2 years and I've gone completely mad......ever since the love of my life got shot out of the sky, I've been doing drugs...they take the pressure off. Ugh...2 years...my baby's been dead for 2 years. Murdoc and 2d are worried about me...because I haven't smiled In 2 years. I haven't laughed in 2 years. I walk into the living room and sit next to 2d who looked dazed. He's probably back in painkillers. The whole band is broken...just not as bad as me....ive gone completely insane. Without noodle....im nothing...she was my everything....and she got taken away in the blink of an eye. And it's all Murdocs fault. He's the reason she's gone...its all him... light flickered on in my head....dont worry noodle....ill avenge you....then see you again...i got up catching 2ds attention. "Wot are yew doin'?" I don't answer and go to my room to get cyborg noodles gun that murdoc gave me after she malfunctioned. I grab it and walk very calmly with and insane smile on my face, tears slipping down my cheeks. 2d sees me with the gun and walks toward me with caution...he saw the smile on my face....he knew what I was doing....and he wouldn't try to stop me...as I made my way to Murdocs room...i thought only about the memories me and noodle had...she was my everything.....she made me complete....and now she's gone.....i knock on the door...he didn't answer so I barged 8n and pointed the gun at his head. He looked scared.." what are you doing?!" "Avenging the love of my life that got taken away with you...the one with her blood on your hands" I answer still having that insane smile plastered on my face. He gulped hard. And with one twitch of a finger a loud bang was herd. And murdoc fell limp on the floor. I look at his corpse...and I laugh so hard tears are falling out of my eyes.. 2d ran in the room seeing me with a gun laughing and crying next to Murdocs corpse. He froze in fear. I take the gun and point it at stu' s head. He looked to be crying...but I knew he wanted to die...after noodles death... He wanted to do the exact same thing as you. He nodded, and with an I'm sorry expression, I shot him in the head to. Now it's my turn. I point the gun at my head and pulled the trigger.
Hey so sorry about the depressing one shot...but I will do a smut serious...in the comments give me a person. A scenario. And I'll have it posted. Love y'all and don't forget to DoYaThing

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