Skate With Me

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Two months passed and December 3rd rolled around. In the Watson family, it was a tradition to go ice skating on that day. Even though his family isn't around, he still wants to go ice skating. Traditions are a big thing to him.

He dug around in his drawer and found the skates he always used. They were worn and dirty, but they were his favourites.

"Where are you off to?" Sherlock emerged from the washroom, holding his sleeves again.

"Family tradition. Ice skating on the 3rd."

"Oh. What's ice skating like?"

"Well it's-- Wait, you don't know?"

"No. Never been."

"You're telling me you've lived your whole life and never ice skated?"


"Well, you sir are coming with me!" John grabbed Sherlock's wrist, making him pull away. Tender area.

"I don't...Need--"

"Yes you do! Come or don't, but I guarantee it'll be fun. Besides, I don't want to spend my first tradition alone."

Sherlock realized this is something he can do for John. Something he can do to be a better...Friend.

Go ice skating.

"Yeah, traditions are meant to be shared. I'll go."

"YES!" John grabbed Sherlock's wrist again, making him jerk away, "Uh...Sorry? Let's go."

They took a cab to the rink. John paid admission, and Sherlock gazed around in awe.

"You gotta rent skates from here. Give 'em your shoes, tell 'em your size, and put on the skates."

As Sherlock did so, John put his own skates on.

John waddled over to the entrance and stepped onto the ice. Sherlock hadn't managed to walk with skates so he scooted on his behind to the entrance to the rink. As he tried to stand on the ice, John skated figure-8's.

"John!" Sherlock called, clutching the wall to avoid falling over.

"Yes?" The future doctor easily glided up and stood before his dorm mate.

"I...I can't...I..."

"Sure you can! Here, take my hand," John stretched his hand out toward Sherlock.

"Wha...Er..." Sherlock gingerly stretched out one hand, still holding the wall.

"Oh, come on!" John grabbed the slightly-outstretched hand and pulled Sherlock forward.

John flung Sherlock around so to grab his other hand. Now stable, the future detective attempted to stand on his own. He was able to for a few seconds before he wobbled and lost his footing. John lurched forward and caught his friend, holding him up.

"Just hang on to me, okay?"

Sherlock nervously smiled and tried to match John's slow skating technique.

It wasn't so hard.

Music blared through the overhead speakers, playing old tunes from the 70's, 80's and 90's.

After a while of skating in circles, holding John's hand for dear balance, a familiar dancey tune played, lighting up Sherlock's eyes.

"Man, I haven't heard this song in forever!"

"Like it?" John mused.

"Love it. Mycroft once caught me dancing to it in my room in 5th grade. He'll never let me forget that. Anyway, it never gets old."

"Well, you're skating on your own now. That's good."

Sherlock looked and saw he was skating without John's help. All thanks to the Bee Gees.

"It's alright, it's okay, you can look the other way...Come on, John! You know the words!" Sherlock nudged.

John gave him a long look, "I'm not singing."

"You know you want to..."

They stared at each other for a long while, a competitive look in their eyes, before breaking out in song like characters from some kind of ridiculous musical.


John skated like a figure-skater-hockey-player hybrid while Sherlock wobbled but managed to keep up on his own, both of them expertly singing the song in unison.

John spun and grabbed hold of both Sherlock's hands, spinning around like a Ring-Around-The-Rosey game.



Many people were staring, talking, about the odd teenagers spinning in circles and singing so loud you could hear them over the actual speakers.

John was in the middle of a laughing fit about how ridiculous they were being when he heard a loud THUNK behind him. He spun around to see Sherlock pancaked on the ice.

He skated over, "Are you okay?"

"No, John, I'm dead."

"Would you like some cheese with that whine?" John joked, "Get up."

Sherlock peeled his face off the ice, a couple crystals sticking to his cheek. John bent down and outstretched his hand, and warily Sherlock took it. He tried to pull himself up, but he instead pulled John down on top of him.

"Oi!" John laughed, "Just because I did hockey for six years doesn't mean I won't fall over."

"Just get up, John. I'll try by myself."

John got himself off Sherlock's back and watched the clumsy skater attempt to stand. It took him many tries, but finally he was on his feet again. Sherlock brushed the ice off his front and wobbled before getting going again.

"I wish I'd filmed that," John teased, "I'd have posted it online, titled 'Sherlock's Great Fall'."

"You wouldn't dare," Sherlock growled jokingly, "I have a fear of falling you know."

"Oh. Was that scary?"

"Not like that. It was for a second but then it was fine. I mean...Falling from high places. Places I could...DIE from."

"So...Fear of death?"

"No. Falling. I can't explain it. I think it started when I fell out of a tree as a kid. I don't know really."

"Have you ever been up really high before? Like, a building rooftop, for example?"

"God, no. I'd panic and probably faint."

John smiled, "I'd do a swan dive."

"A swan dive?" Sherlock looked surprised at John, "Off a building?!"

"Yeah, why not? I mean if I wanted to die, I'd do it in style. Not before leaving a death note to my best friend though."

"What would you say?"

"Oh, something along the lines of 'This is my note' and whatnot. I'd end it with a dramatic goodbye. 'Goodbye Sherlock'."

John smiled at the future detective as it sunk in.

"Wha...I...Me? I...What..." Sherlock sputtered.

"You're the only real 'friend' I've ever had. And a good one at that."

"Thanks John, I really try."

"Come on then! Let's skate!" John sped away, leaving Sherlock to awkwardly catch up.

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