The PA speakers rang with radio feedback moments before the principal's voice began a warning.
"Today there is a massive blizzard. EVERYONE is to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary. If I catch anyone outside, there will be consequences! Thank you all for listening. Have a nice day."
"This is going to be a dull day," Sherlock concluded, staring out the window at the thickly falling snow. Winter holidays would be here soon.
"Maybe not," John held Sherlock's slumped shoulders, "I have an idea."
"Ooh," Sherlock said sarcastically, "What? Find your marbles from under the bed?"
"No...Close..." John didn't take offense to Sherlock's mindless insults. He knew how his roommate got when he was bored. He knew he didn't mean it.
"How close?" Sherlock spat, "I hate guessing games."
John rolled his eyes. It's as if Sherlock forgot who he was and what he could do.
"Very close," John whispered in his ear, bringing a smirk to Sherlock's lips. He turned around, mere millimetres away from John, knowing exactly what John's little "idea" was.
"We're going to watch a scary movie," Sherlock murmured, "In a candlelit room, curled up in a monstrous number of bedsheets, aren't we, John?"
"You read my mind."
They jumped up in unison, Sherlock rushing to get enough blankets and fluffy pillow and John getting his laptop, opening it and putting in an old classic horror film.
Sherlock had already surrounded himself in a cocoon of blankets and pillows. John laughed, all he could really see was his mop of hair.
John switched off the light and leaped down next to him, positioning the laptop so they could both see. He sausaged himself in blankets and pressed "Play".
Halfway through, he wasn't sure if Sherlock was paying attention anymore, but John was shaking in his skin.
"Sherlock?" He squeaked, voice cracking. As if reading his mind, he shuffled over and molded himself around John's small frame, creating the perfect "outer shell". Like a shield.
And John wasn't scared anymore.
Best of all, it wasn't "weird", or "gay", or "awkward"...It was normal.
They didn't move at all for the rest of the movie, and then some. Neither wanted to be the one to break the long embrace, like one would hate to ruin their team's perfect 10. Sherlock breathed in John's scent-- Conditioner and strawberry jam. John thought about the movie, scenes replaying in his head, quite aware of Sherlock's nose buried in the crook of his neck.
Finally, Sherlock mumbled next to John's skin, his words muffled, "Are you afraid now, John?"
"No," John concluded, feeling Sherlock move away. As Sherlock got off the bed and stretched, loving the feeling of massaging his stiff joints, and painfully aware of the awkward yet familiar sensation down below. He prayed John hadn't noticed.
John had thought he felt something, but couldn't be sure.
"Well, what now? I'm flat out of ideas," John closed the laptop lid, throwing off the insanely warm bedsheets and stretching his own muscles.
"We could...Explore."
John swallowed hard, "E-Explore what?"
"...The school. Even I haven't looked around everywhere yet."
Duh, John. Obviously that's what he meant.
Silly Watson.
"Yeah. Great idea." He smoothed the wrinkles in his jumper and pat down his hair, which stuck up oddly in places because Sherlock had rested his chin there at some point.

A Study In Him (Teenlock)
Fanfiction19-year-old John Watson has finally gotten his chance to start on his course in becoming a doctor, and has landed at Sir Arthur University in Central London. Here, he meets his roommate Sherlock Holmes, the only one who's ever made John question his...