Harder To Hide

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After the half-hour cabin incident and almost getting caught by Raz, Splang went again.

"What activity's next?" John looked up at Raz, because Sherlock was busy looking for his satchel.

"Hiking. You left your bag at the dock, by the way," Raz looked to Sherlock.

"Damn," he hissed, "I'll have to go get it. Explain to Carl why I'm late, would you John?"

"No need," Raz interrupted, "Mycroft grabbed it. It's on his bed, I see it."

Sherlock looked over. On Mycroft's vacant bed lay his brown satchel. He hoped to God Mycroft didn't snoop.

He crossed the room to fetch it, then beckoned for John to follow him out the door of the cabin.


"Okay, single file. Follow me," Carl waved his arm for the group the follow him up the trail.

"I can hear chickadees," Sherlock observed. John nodded, "Yeah. So can I."

Raz snuck up behind them, "So! Hey guys! What'd you do in the cabin for half an hour? You don't have to tell me, just curious as to how you amused yourselves."

"We didn't have sex, if that's what you're assuming," John scoffed like that was the most ridiculous assumption one could have, "We just quickly changed out of our wet clothes, dried our hair, and just joked around for half an hour. Time flew by fast."

"Mm. No I know, I wasn't saying you had sex! Where the hell did that come from?!" Raz laughed.

"Eh, that's what it sounded like," John murmured suspiciously. Raz laughed harder, "Why? Did you?"

"No! Definitely not! That's crazy!" John chuckled disbelievingly, and Sherlock shifted uncomfortably at the nature of the conversation.

"Was it good?"

"Raz, stop. You're being insane. We did not have sex, for the last time," John rolled his eyes.

"I know, I'm just kidding ya! Don't get your trousers in a tussle. I've kissed a boy before, you know," Raz drifted into a new subject.

"You have?" John raised an eyebrow.

"Not just kissed, I fuckin' made out with him. And I loved it! It was a back alley, one of my graffiti friends who dropped out of school or some shit. We meet sometimes. He's kinda hot," Raz explained.

"Are you--?"

"Gay?" Raz cut him off, "Nah. I'm bi. You?"

John stammered, "Euhh, g--straight! Hetero. Nothing special."

Sherlock raised an eyebrow, but looked away before Raz caught it.

"Mm. Cool beans."

"What's his name? If you don't mind me asking," John pried.

Raz searched his memory for a moment, "Uh...right! Dean. Dean Win-something-or-other. Wears a leather coat and some ridiculous tribal necklace. I dunno. He's just some tough guy I met, and drool over, daily. Though I suspect he's cheating on me...I've seen him more than once with some guy in a trench coat and unkempt hair. Eh, whatever. We didn't really have a 'thing' going on, anyway."

"Trench coat?" John scoffed, "Sure it's a guy?"

"Positive. He's got a tie, too. He's all ragged and messy, though. No idea what he gets up to," Raz explained.

"Snogging this Dean character, probably," John joked, making Raz snort.

"You'd snog him too, if you met him," Raz laughed some more.

"Enough you two," Sherlock warned, "Carl's given you a dirty look more than once. You'll get in trouble, he's trying to teach us about trees."

Raz and John shared an eye-roll, but listened to Carl's rambling anyway.


Sherlock and John headed back toward the cabin, skipping lunch. They'd grown accustomed to it, not really eating lunch most of the time. John reached for the door handle, but was flipped around and held against the door by his tall friend, to which he rolled his eyes - AGAIN.

"Seriously? We literally just did this earlier. You are so predictable. What could you want now?"

"All Raz's talk about snogging made me hungry," Sherlock growled, stooping closer.

"HUNGRY? Did you seriously just use that term?" John laughed uncontrollably.

"Shut up," Sherlock hissed and shut John up by connecting his lips with John's roughly. John's fingers tangled and weaved through Sherlock's messy curls, pushing them back while his spine dug into the door. Sherlock placed his hands on John's sides and squeezed lightly, feeling his warm skin.

"You two, I knew it!"

Both stopped and looked at each other, their lips still millimetres apart. Just by the voice, they knew who it was.

"Raz," John sighed, pushing Sherlock away reluctantly.

"Could have been worse. Jim could've found us," Sherlock reminded him, shuddering.

"How long were you standing there?" John sighed heavily.

"A minute or so."

"Why aren't you eating?" Sherlock asked.

"I am," Raz mused, a stupid look still on his face, "I just used the loo. I came out just in time to see Sherlock shove you against the door."

Raz pointed at John, making the future doctor's face heat up.

"That...wasn't conditioner...was it?" A sly grin crossed Raz's features as the reality dawned on him.

"...Nope," John sighed awkwardly, "That was me. Sorry."

"I've suspected it for a while," Raz mused.

"Is it that obvious?" Sherlock scratched the back of his neck.

"No. I just notice things. That make out scene though? Very hot. A+ for you both," Raz laughed.

"Shut it," John cast his gaze to his feet, "You won't tell anyone...right?"

"Course not! But you know the truth will come out eventually, right?" Raz promised.

"We know. But not yet. Not just yet."

*SUP PEEPS. So I hoped you liked my subtle Destiel reference...In honour of Destiel Day!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Vote if you did, and comment you feedback! Thanks guys!!


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