"John! Sherlock! Up an' at 'em!"
Someone was shaking the tent. John awoke with a start and sat up slowly, groaning against the awkward feeling on his rear as he sat on the hard ground.
He caught Sherlock staring at him, amused.
"Something funny?"
"Hmm, nah," Sherlock mused, "It's hilarious."
"Shut up," John groaned as he tried to bring his legs together properly again, "Jesus, what DID you do to me?"
"Yeahhhh," Sherlock sighed, "You'll be walking funny today. Try not to make it too obvious, or people with start asking questions."
"Uh-huh, 'cause you're the expert on this sort of thing," John scoffed.
"John, I've been gay for 3 years now," Sherlock muttered, "You're not my first boyfriend."
John whistled, "You get around."
"Hey! You're my second. I dated a guy named Gabriel way back when. Short thing he was. We only dated a few weeks, but he still managed to get in my pants. Trust me, I know the feeling."
"You still in contact?" John smoothed. his rumpled clothing.
"Not really," Sherlock sighed, fixing his hair, "But I hear he's with some other tall guy named Sam. Guess he's got a type."
They left the tent and walked back with the group, John constantly stopping to fix his jeans and fidgeting. Sometimes he'd hop around like a bunny rabbit. Either way, he wasn't walking like he should be.
"Hey, John, you okay?" Raz laughed.
"Yeah, these jeans are uncomfortable. That's all."
Raz nodded knowingly and walked away. Friggin' smartass.
After dropping their stuff off, they met up with Mary, Irene and Molly at the picnic table.
"Man, you are walking like an ugly duckling!" Mary joked, "Was the tent that bad to sleep in?"
"Yeah, my back's funny," John complained, holding his back to pretend it hurt.
"It was real tight last night," Sherlock mumbled.
"...Huh?" Irene crossed her arms.
Sherlock stumbled over his words, "I mean, uh, small tent, two teen guys...Doesn't mix. Plus, John sleeps like a starfish, taking up all the space!"
"Oi!" John shoved his friend, making him stumble a few steps to avoid falling over.
"Careful," Irene sneered, "Or the Empire State Building will become the Leaning Tower of Piza..."
"Shut up," Sherlock ruffled his hair and John fidgeted some more. Jesus, Sherlock knew it felt funny the morning after but it's not THAT bad!
"John, pull it together," Sherlock mumbled, "I know it was a rough night but it wasn't that bad, stop being a drama queen."
John scowled at him and fixed his jeans again. Sherlock rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Irene's cousin, who was frankly her exact opposite.
"So, Molly, excited for the Great Race?"
"Don't flirt with my li'l coz!" Irene hugged Molly protectively, "She's TAKEN."
"I-I know, I heard her and Tom are pretty serious, I get that," Sherlock stammered, "I was just asking."
"She's over you," Irene added, Molly trying feebly to shove her off.

A Study In Him (Teenlock)
Fanfiction19-year-old John Watson has finally gotten his chance to start on his course in becoming a doctor, and has landed at Sir Arthur University in Central London. Here, he meets his roommate Sherlock Holmes, the only one who's ever made John question his...