Sir Arthur Never Changes

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Short Chapter



Sir Arthur University

Home Sweet School!


Sherlock flopped on his bunk, jetlagged but happy to be home. Well, not home, but back in England anyway.

"So, how'd you like camp?" John asked another pointless question.

"It was okay," Sherlock mumbled, "You were right - being happy was better."

"I'm a doctor," John leaned down next to Sherlock's face, "I'm always right."

Sherlock grinned, "Calm down, you cocky shit. You're not a doctor yet."

"Ha! That's like saying you're not my boyfriend yet! Stupid," John looked at Sherlock sweetly, a smile playing at his thin lips.


"You heard me."

Despite his jetlag, Sherlock got up and wrapped John into a hug. John rested his nose into Sherlock's oversized sweater, the one that smelled like plane peanuts, custard, and a dusty old room.

The one that smelled like home to him.

"So...Is it official then?" Sherlock murmured against John's shaggy blonde hair, "Are you really accepting me as your significant other?"

"Of course," John looked up at him seriously, "Why wouldn't I?"

"Dunno, nobody ever has," Sherlock grimaced.

"Not even Gabriel?"

"Especially not Gabriel."

John pushed Sherlock gently back to his bunk, pulling down the covers and tucking him in. Sherlock pulled John under with him, wrapping his whole body around John's smaller frame.

"Sleep, Sherlock," John whispered.

"Okay, for you, I'll sleep."

"No, you'll sleep for you."


Sorry for the incredibly short chapter! Flat out of ideas here tbh :\

BUT DAT FLUFF DOE. Okay I promise: Fluff chapters from here to the end!

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COUNTDOWN TO FINALE: 1 chapter until final!!

Remember, y'all just keep being y'all!



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