"Hey, Sherlock."
The sinister sound of a whip hitting the wall told Sherlock what was coming.
"Please, Sher," Sherlock begged, "I haven't done anything."
"You tried to tell mum and dad," Sherrinford approached, holding a riding crop in both hands.
"I'm sorry!" Sherlock backed up, "I just hate living like this!"
"Living like what?!" Sherrinford whipped the crop across Sherlock's cheek, landing him on the floor.
"In fear of you!"
"No, of being a failure!" He hissed, kicking Sherlock firmly in the stomach, "Get up."
Carefully, Sherlock stood, still dizzy. Sherrinford lunged and laid a punch on his younger brother, making him hit the floor again.
When he sat up, head spinning, blood ran from his nose down to his lips, staining them. Sherrinford opened his parents' walk-in closet, "Get in."
Sherlock crawled over, starting to cry. Sherrinford kicked him the rest of the way and slammed the door.
His lips appeared in the crack between the door and the wall, "When you're ready to come out, wash up. Not a word of this to mum."
"AHH!" Sherlock woke up with a start. John loomed over him, shaking him by the shoulder.
"You were whimpering in your sleep and fussing. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, thanks John. Just a nightmare."
John, still in his pajamas, sleepily left the room, closing the door behind him. Sherlock looked at the clock and realized it was only 8:12 AM. He felt bad for waking John this early, knowing he didn't usually wake up this early.
Afraid to sleep again, Sherlock got up and headed to his drawer. He picked out a purple blouse and pants, heading to his own bathroom to use the shower.
Drying his hair with an extra towel, the main one tied around his waist, he strolled back to his bed where he'd left his clothes. He was now able to walk without crutches, but he still needed the cast for another couple weeks.
Throwing his extra towel on the floor, he looked up to see John just peeking back into his room.
"Gah!" John spun back around the door, "Sorry!"
Sherlock poked his head around the door, "Don't be embarrassed, John. I have a towel."
"I was just wondering if you have extra conditioner? Mine ran out."
"Of course," Sherlock limped back to the bathroom, emerging again with conditioner, "Here."
"Thanks," John turned to leave, but Sherlock tugged his sleeve.
"I want to show you something. You wash up, I'll wait in here."
John nervously nodded and went to grab his shampoo. Sherlock closed his door and changed into his clothes.
He ruffled up his hair to help dry it off, heading over to his corner to check his experiments. Minutes later, John knocked on the door.
Sherlock opened and immediately pushed by John, murmuring "Follow me."
He crossed the hall, John close behind, and opened a large door at the end.
"This is my parents' room."
When Sherlock turned the light on, John looked around. The walls were a light salmon pink, and they had a king sized bed on the far wall. John, although he wasn't anywhere near as good as Sherlock in deducing, could tell which side was whose.

A Study In Him (Teenlock)
Fanfiction19-year-old John Watson has finally gotten his chance to start on his course in becoming a doctor, and has landed at Sir Arthur University in Central London. Here, he meets his roommate Sherlock Holmes, the only one who's ever made John question his...