Sherlock and John entred the cabin, leaving Raz to return to the Mess Hall. John sighed and sat on his bed, "Well, let's hope he keeps his trap shut, or we are S-C-R-E-W-E-D screwed!"
"You are anyway."
A deep-but-not-deep voice sounded from the corner of the room, and Jim stepped out, a sly grin resting on his lips.
"Fuck," Sherlock whispered under his breath.
"So, what should I do? Blackmail you, or tell everyone?" Jim asked himself.
"Don't think we didn't see you and Seb," John snapped, "We saw you. In the lounge, on blizzard night. And I don't think that was the first time, or the last. You spill the beans, so do we. Is it worth it, James? Is it really?"
Jim scoffed, "Y-You saw that?"
"Yes. We did. That was actually the first night we...Anyway, keep your mouth shut and so do we. Deal?" John decided.
Jim pondered over it a couple seconds, "Fine. Deal. But spill the dirt on me and Seb, and I tell the whole school about your...physical relationship. Comprende?" Jim smiled psychotically.
"Understood. Zip it, you sack of shit," John snapped.
"Careful," Jim chirped.
"Don't need to be," the future doctor smiled, "You wouldn't dare whisper a word, 'cause if you do, consider your sexuality UN-closeted."
Jim let out a tiny growl, "Fine. You shut up, so will I. We'll just leave each other alone then."
John nodded as Jim stormed out of the cabin. Sherlock sighed, "Thank God we saw him that time, or else he'd be telling everyone in the Mess Hall by now."
"We've gotta be a little more careful," John sighed, sitting down on his bunk. Sherlock sat across from him, "I'm so sorry, John. This is my fault."
"Don't beat yourself up," John murmured, "We'll be okay. If the secret does get out, at least we won't have to hide it anymore."
Sherlock sighed, "We just made a deal with the devil himself. That never ends well."
"We'll be okay," John assured him, "Trust me, I highly doubt he'll spill the beans. He knows the stakes, and he didn't look happy about it."
Sherlock simply nodded and lay on his sleeping bag, his hands returning to their usual steepled position under his chin.
Same Day
1:03 PM
"Okay, we're all clear with the rules?" Carl asked the group after explaining the rules of a game called "Ultimate Frisbee".
Everyone nodded. "Okay. I'll choose two team captains, then they can choose their team. Red Team, your captain will about Johnny here?"
John stepped up, "Sure. And it's just 'John.'"
Carl nodded, "Right. Blue Team...Sebastian?"
Seb took a blue jersey and stood beside John without a word. He knew about their little 'deal.'
"John, choose your first teammate," Carl instructed. "Sherlock," John chose, predictably.
Sherlock took a red jersey and stood proudly by his captain.
"Jim," Sebastian chose his teammate, again, predictably.
Slowly, the group was divided into two teams. Each team gathered in their respected positions, and the game began.
All tussled while attempting to win the frisbee, trying to get it in the goal. This game worked much like American football.
Sebastian ran with the frisbee, and all at once Sherlock jumped in front of him to stop him, which resulted in the two colliding, Sherlock taking it hardest.
"Jesus!" John rushed over, Seb already standing. Sherlock lay on the grassy field groaning, and the other players gathered.
"Is he okay?" Mycroft asked warily.
"I'm fine, Mycroft," Sherlock choked out grimly.
"No, you're not," John concluded, "Your elbows are scraped badly, and you took a massive blow to the face. Can you see straight?"
"I can never see straight..." Sherlock said sarcastically, a joking smile playing at his lips.
"This is not a joke, Sherlock, you could be seriously hurt. How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Five, now help me up."
John helped the injured man stand, and Carl made it over, "Does he need the nurse?"
"No," John shook his head, "I'm a doctor. I'll take care of him."
"Go back to the cabin," Carl sighed, reluctant to send them back early, again, "Everyone else, positions!"
"I hope this wasn't another silly trick to get us alone for half an hour," John looked at Sherlock slyly.
"Nope," Sherlock groaned, "No way I could bob my head up and down repeatedly in this state anyway."
John chuckled, followed by a signature sarcastic eye-roll.
"Yeah, you need to rest. No action for the rest of the day or I'm afraid your head may explode."
"Do not get me thinking about 'action,' John, or my sex drive will start spinning again," Sherlock joked.
"Okay, okay," John sighed, "Think about Jesus."
Sherlock couldn't control his laughter, "Ow ow stop! Don't make me laugh, my head hurts!"
"Sorry," John smiled at himself, "Let's go."
*EY YO LLAMAS. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know in the comments, and be sure to leave a vote!
Or don't. But I'd appreciate it if you did. It'd be awesome if this could be on the top page of the "Teenlock" search results....;)
Eh, who am I kidding, eh? That'd never happen. This story is shit :)

A Study In Him (Teenlock)
Fanfiction19-year-old John Watson has finally gotten his chance to start on his course in becoming a doctor, and has landed at Sir Arthur University in Central London. Here, he meets his roommate Sherlock Holmes, the only one who's ever made John question his...